Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage

The Popularity of Same Sex Marriage

"What is same sex marriage"?Sex in "same sex marriage" is implies to the gender and not literally sexual intercourse. Same sex marriage was now popular due to its controversy and immorality in terms of marriage.
The term was deceptive type in the reasons that there is we called sex which literally implies to the sexual intercourse and the right term should gender — same gender married.
Why there are some countries permitting this immorality instead to prohibit the same sex marriage owing to not acceptable in society. They engage in immorality and some authority makes the same sex marriage valid in the reason that some people has power - money is power

However the same sex marriage is acceptable in the sight of others which are living in the countries which practicing the same sex marriage.
What is the intention of same sex marriage? To give chance to those who are third gender; fourth gender? In order their acts will be acceptable in the sight of society?  Even the countries will permit it but the impact to the psychological to the people who are against to the same sex marriage still inevitable and still immorality?

Same Sex marriage in the Bible

The Same Sex Marriage is not Acceptable in the Sight of God

The same sex marriage in the Bible. In the history about Sodom and Gomorrah; the cities were vanished from the earth owing to the people who live are practiced immorality. They have no same sex marriage execution but simple doing sexual intercourse both same sexes. God saw their immorality and God decided to extirpate the people and the two cities except Lot and his offspring.

The History of Sodom and Gomorrah 

The "history of Sodom and Gomorrah" are the cities which existed in the age of Father Abram and his nephew Lot.  In their times were destroyed as decided by God. The history remains in the Bible; the source of all information about Sodom and Gomorrah. The God wipe out those all even though the smallest of the smallest part of the objects which situated in the two mentioned cities in the Bible as source of advanced knowledge and accurate history.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Since the "Sodom and Gomorrah" were wiped out in the reasons of practicing immorality; now the world is adapting their manners which are not valid in the sight of the living God in the Bible. The churches those permitting the practicing of same sex marriage are doubtful whether they have care yet in terms of spiritual welfare of their members.

Countries that are Permitting the Same Sex Marriage
There are almost 21 countries plus United States of America; all countries in the U.S.A. legalized the same sex marriage. Now as of March 2017 and will be become double in the future for sure. 

1.) Argentina – the Capital City: Buenos Aires — the registered population since 2015 is 43, 417, and 000.
2.) Belgium - the Capital City: Brussels — the registered population since January year 2016 is 11, 250, and 585.
3.) Brazil – the Capital City: Brasilia — the registered population since 2016 estimated about 206, 440 and 850.
4.) Canada – The Capital City: Ottawa — registered population based on 2016 census is 35, 151, and 728.
5.) Colombia – Capital City: Bogota — the current registered population base on March 2017 estimation is 49, 120, and 104.
6.) Denmark – the Capital: Copenhagen — base on January 2017 the estimated population is 5, 748 and 769.
7.) Finland - the Capital City: Helsinki and the population is 5, 488 and 543 bases in the estimation on July 2016.  
8.) France – Capital City is the popular Paris and the total population is 66, 991 and 000 bases in current year.
9.) Iceland – the capital City: Reykjavik and the population base on January 1, 2016 is 332 and 529.
10.) Netherlands – Capital City Amsterdam; the current population is base in estimation is 17, 100 and 475.
11.) Ireland – the Capital City: Dublin and base in 2016 census the population of this country is now 4, 757 and 976.
12.) Luxembourg - Capital City: Luxembourg City and base on April 2015 estimated population have  576 and 249.
13.) Mexico - Capital City: Mexico City; 2015 estimated population is 119, 530 and 753.
14.) New Zealand - Capital City: Wellington; the 2017 registered population in this country base in estimation is 4, 779 and 150.
15.) Norway - the Capital City: Oslo; the estimated population base on January 1, 2017 is 5, 258 and 317.
16.) Portugal - Capital City: Lisbon; base in their estimated population is 10, 341 and 330.
17.) South Africa - Capital City was divided into 3: Pretoria - the executive; Bloemfontein - the Judicial and Cape Town - the legislative.
18.) Spain - the Capital City: Madrid - the largest City in Spain; base in 2015 census the population is 46, 423 and 064.
19.) Sweden - Capital City: Stockholm - population in February 28 2017 is 10, 019 and 400.
20.) United Kingdom - Capital City: London - in 2016 estimated population is 65, 110 and 000.
21.) United States of America - legal in all countries; current population is 325, 836 and 452. Visit the list of Capital City of United States of America.
22.) Uruguay - Capital City: Montevideo; current population base in estimation is 3, 427 and 000.

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