Forgive, What Does the Bible say about Forgiveness?

What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness

What does the Bible say about forgiveness in Sinners? Forgiveness in the Bible.
What Does the Bible say About Forgiveness in the Why We Should Practice Forgiveness As well?
We are all violators of God’s law
What does the Bible say about forgiveness to the sinners’ people? We are all violators of God’s law; the maxims "no man is an island is perfect for no man is perfect." Back again the verse of Ecclesiastes 7:20 "the righteous man can commit a mistake." But the God’s can declare if the person is perfect like Job in the Bible. God called Job as a perfect man stated in the Job 1:1 that this person is "perfect and upright."
what does the bible say about forgiveness
This simple part in the Bible can makes our belief as no one is perfect will turn into a new notion which there was a man was perfect in the sight of God.
If we can’t forgive the person who made mistakes from us, it seems we assume to our self that we never make mistake(s); since we are just people who prone from mistakes; we should learn how to forgive others who made us injustice.
what does the bible say about forgiveness
Only the Almighty which do not makes sin; God can make sin? Is that possible?  If you assumed that God’s make sin; with or in who? Maybe you will say; if the God almighty never makes sin how about the God Son? In the reasons you just say; the God Father; but, we don’t say only in the above. Who the God Son will make sins? Those powerful that govern the heaven are same in mind, heart, in will and others yet.
what does the bible say about forgiveness
If we back again about the God Son or the Lord Jesus Christ which living in earth in his time when He here in the earth. That pure man did not make any sin in anyone but He is the one who was a subject of ridicule when He preached the word of God which said unto Him stated in JOHN 12:49.
The evidence that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the book of 1st PETER 2:22 which mentioned that the Lord Jesus Christ was not commit any mistakes in His time.

The God Son and the God can forgive the our sin in gambling; Gods’ hate abortion, mentioned in
PROVERBS 6: 16 – 17. There is possible that the abortionist will go to hell if those man or that man no mercy in his life. We can’t judge that the person who commits suicide will go to hell and same also to the parents who connive to abort their product in sexual intercourse. But in the judgment day, all secrets of man will disclose in the front of all; no one can escape in the judgment day.
We can’t judge the killer of man will go to hell as well; the God knows the every details of the life of the killers.  We can’t judge the person is evil or not in the main reasons that we have limitations in the details as humans.

Even the killers will repent in his misdeed in life and turn away the evil path, the time will come if the God see his heart is pure to become new in the sight of God; the time will come that previous killer will be save.
Some are said "the evil man has long life" yes; God’s want it; God’s want them to repent their evil works stated in the 1st Timothy 2:4 "God have willed to all men to be saved."

God is a full of merciful and love and that was the reason why He give His own Begotten Son to the world. Notice the word "world" there is no specific religion in the reason that the word is world which implies to the generality. God’s wants all of us to be saved.
what does the bible say about forgiveness
The word "forgiveness" is the most challenging in our part especially if the mistake or sin or injustice is very grave.  Sometimes the poor is very upset if the thieves stole their shirt in the reasons the poor victim has no dress as well; very difficult right. You may say “oh, that’s only shirt” — yeah, that shirt almost month before the poor bought that shirt.

If we are God – fearing – people, we must follow him, if the God said forgive him, we must forgive them/him /her, whatever the genderGod wants us to forgive like Him; He forgives us; we must forgive too — justice right?

We must forgive in the reason God’s forgive us too and that what does the Bible say about forgiveness.

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