

The two types of gambling but both prohibited by God to practice it. The Effect of Gambling as Vice, Vice, What is Gambling, How to refuse in Gambling and What does the Bible say About Gambling.

Vice is a repeating action from the acts; the acts which addictive in nature or instance in the reason which has pleasure in flesh.  These addictive acts may raze the life of person who practicing vice especially in gambling.   What does the Bible say about gambling? Bible has prohibition in this type of vice; the gambling even in legal means still the impact especially in the family of addicts in this type of vice. Man y life was destroyed in this type of vice. Sold the house; the wife for exchange of something to continue their vices and other trade.

legal Gambling but Incorrect in Bible

Almost governments made the laws(s) which legalized the gambling and called it as “Lotto.”
Some ordinance(s) or municipal law(s) and other types of laws which legalizing the local gambling for the exchange of the tax to add for national budget for additional of progressive of country and the after of the governments is for progressiveness. But some life was destroyed; the others were hoping that they can jackpot in the lotto to make them rich, without knowing the people who win in the lotto were the millionaire.  They bet all combinations to win in the lotto.

For Example:
The jackpot price is the $100,000,000,000.00; the millionaire will make a highest bet and very good combination of numbers to win the lottery. They will make a bet more or less $80,000,000.00 to win the price. If you can’t afford this; then, stop it; don’t waste your time in betting in lottery. If you can’t afford the figure; the percentage of jackpot to win the Price is zero.

Illegal Gambling which is incorrect in Bible

Those illegal are not accepted in the existing laws either what types of laws. Not accepted in the eyes of the law but very acceptable in the eyes of people in the society. Even the some of the law enforcers are betting in the illegal gambling. Even through numbers and the like manners gambling. The gambling became illegal whether not permitted by law(s) to exist or to do. "Malum Prohibitum" which means that the acts are totally or completely prohibited by the existing law(s).

Prohibition of the God in Bible either it is legal or illegal gambling that practice by almost people.

God did not speak a useless word like us as humans; there are many reasons why God prohibit us to practice and do gambling. God prohibit the gambling which was mentioned in the Proverbs chapter 1:14 - 15
In verse 14; there are person who invited the one man to join in their gamble acts and God said in the verse 15 “My son; walk not.” The God prohibit joining in the gamble acts. If the God said “NOT” we should follow it if we are God – fearing – person. Either that is legal or illegal; we must follow the God’s commandments.

What is Gambling

What is gambling? Gambling means is an act which without guarantee if the person who who is doing gamble will win or loss. An act which put the money or goods and the likes in the midst whether will win or not. 

Due to gambling, there are many lives were lost due to addictive acts which can't abstain from gamble. Gambling as defines as an evil vice due to can pollute the mind of gambler until the property will trade or sell to sustain the desire to gamble until the satisfaction will reach.

Gambling can makes the gambler poor due to this type is addictive, gambling can't destroy life if the gambler can control himself/ herself.

Gambling in Manila Philippines was legalized; the Presidential Decree 1067 was promulgated on 1983 which is now a PAGCOR and the said PAGCOR is under of the office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines

The main purpose of this act is to generate income for government infrastructure and more.

In the United States of America; some gambling are prohibited and some are legals which under the United States Federal Law.

In the United Kingdom; some gambling are legals but some are not, same to the other countries which has law that promulgate and with corresponding rules and regulation.

There was incident in the Philippines that the malefactor entered in the Casino Resort; that malefactor brought M16 rifle firearms and burn the Casino Resorts; that incident was triggered by gambling addiction. That addiction was cause of the end of his life.

June 25, 2017

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