Nutritious Food: Most Nutritious Food — How to prepare

Nutritious Food

How the Food Became "Nutritious Food", Nutritious Food Ever, Very Nutritious Food, How to Cook a Nutritious Food and Best Nutritious Food Ever.

most nutrious food

The most nutritious food is now seldom on this age. All man prefers eat cooked food. The some were after the nutrients from what they have eaten.

That after, is to become healthy and without sufficient knowledge that the food that they have eaten was not sufficient to makes them healthy. The food became nutritious if contains of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Most Nutritious FoodHow to prepare is the one factor to makes us healthy.
The cooked food like bread and the like foods which undergo cooking are not nutritious enough for your body. During cooking, there is what we call chemical reaction, like in vegetables: if you cook the vegetables, the vitamin like vitamin C which is present into vegetables will become acid and the enzymes would die. Some people if they cook the vegetables, they cooked it in a half-cooked manner but still not effective and there is chemical reaction if not cooked properly.

most nutritious food

Enzymes are important to combat tumor which have tendency to produce the cancer cells. Common to the people who eating chocolate is helping in combating of cancer cells and that is correct but the sugar on the chocolate will produce diabetes’ disease if the eating is constant.
In this instance, the person will be hesitate to consume the chocolate cause of sugar and other consequence if the consumption is constant, chocolate itself if without sugar is recommended to eat regularly to combat cancer cells.

No one want a chocolate without the sugar except to the ably person.  The ably person can only consume the chocolate without sugar? No, we are adaptable organism, since we are adaptable organism; we have capacity to inure the surroundings especially to the food that we have eaten.
Like in coffee: the coffee is rich of antioxidant for anti oxidation of body. If you’re ably in taking coffee with sugar it is very difficult for you to abstain from it and turn into coffee without sugar?
 If you take the coffee without sugar the time will come that you will become ably in taking of it.


What is the Real Nutritious Food?

The real and effective nutritious food is can be found on the nature. The uncooked food is the most nutritious food ever especially the vegetables and the fruits.  The enzymes are alive, there is no chemical reaction and completely safe. There is exception in these instances like: meat, pork and other the like foods which are needed to cook for safety purposes.  To prepare the most salubrious food, the food must not cook. The fruits and the vegetables is a very good in health if uncooked, the effect was attested.
Back from previous age about 3, 000 or more the life expectancy of people is different than in this age. They have long life than in us.  

This is the Example of Nutritious Food.
most nutritious food
Radish Plant

One nutritious is this plant; the radish.

most nutritious food

Try the Radish, Tomato, Onion and Calamondin and wash thoroughly.
Remove the skin of radish and slice it horizontally about 1 and half centimeter thick but lesser to the mentioned size is recommended.

After you have sliced the radish, mix it with table salt (Himalayan salt is recommended) — don’t add plenty of salt just maintain the volume, if the addition of salt is a lot, it will become salty.
After mixing; squash it together until the juice of radish will be extracted but don’t squash it hard, spare of juice at least 75% of radish's juice. (Note the purpose of extracting is to minimize the peppery of radish.)

After the extracting of juice, put it on the clean plate or any available utensils for your sliced radish.
Remove the skin of onion and slice it according to your own size and shape and mix it on the sliced radish. Slice the tomatoes according to your own shape and size and mix it to the sliced radish and sliced onion.

Slice the calamondin vertically and extract the juice, stream the seed and put the juice on the sliced radish, sliced onion, sliced tomatoes (but control the volume of juice it may cause of sourness) and throw the seed on the garbage can.
Now; you’re done, try the taste if salty or tasteless, if tasteless, and add more salt according to your taste. Eat 3 to 4 times a week for a month and feel your body.

most nutritious food

There is no involvement of cooking in this tutorial; the enzyme is alive, the vitamins and minerals are present. Imagine the minerals of Himalayan salt and the effect of radish, onion, tomato, and calamandin which have vitamin C. all is natural and this is can be considered as the one of the most nutritious food ever.

Food is an important factor to maintain us alive, without food, we will die and we know about it. There are no people who don't eat food. The people who suffered from diabetes are very careful to the food that they have eaten. All are bad if over, over eating, over sleeping, over thinking and the likes. The eating of food if over to our needs it's bad as well especially if the type of foods are sweat. This type of food as we know could create diabetes disease, so be careful to the sweat foods especially if you have age.

Coconut milk is a good milk which ingredients of some menu even in the restaurants. Spirulina is very good food supplement especially if your children do not eat vegetables. Fresh vegetables has fresh enzymes, or with enzymes.

Vegetables are very important to make us strong, to make us healthy, maintain healthy; if healthy, our mind are healthy as well. Even the food is healthy foods, still useless if no exercise, so don't rely in healthy foods, do sit up exercise, push up exercise, jogging exercise and even just walking exercise at least 30 minutes.

According to the expert, we should always doing exercise at least 30 minutes per day, as human and we designed to move. The vegetables was first recorded in the history, in the Bible and God said to the Israelite that they eat meat with bitter vegetables.

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