Love: What Does the Bible say about Love?

What Does the Bible Say About Love

What Does the Bible say About Love in Selfish LoveHere is the relevant information about if what does the bible say about love.
what does the bible say about love

Love is a consequence of being obedient in the commandments of God. What Does the Bible say About Love, the Teachers of Love? Love Our Enemy, Love Yourself and The True Love.

What does the Bible say About Love? Love it implies to the generality; the love to neighbor is a seldom in this age; the love which almost existing is the love of self, love their own families. The love that can be count of finger is the love to the enemy. Some just say it in just in mouth without execution; they tough others to love your enemy but them they are easily to offend from the word from mouth of others.

How can you love your enemy if you are easily to offend in a simple correction? How can you teach by works not by mouth if you can’t tech yourself to love who hates you; who aggravated you.
How you can teach them properly if you always attacking someone who made a trouble with you.

You must the exemplary in order for them to follow your real humbleness not the exemplary of adversity.

“This phrase was from the Bible and we extract it the spirit of information from the Holy Book which had tough by our Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Luke chapter 10 verses 27 which stating "love your neighbour as our self."

If you have seen the people who teaching to love your enemy but have judge mentality if someone who committed a mistake from them; that is one manifestation that in himself that he or she did not obeying the commandments of God; his obeying his own pride and hypocrisy.

The manifestation of obeying in the commandments of God is not the frank of speaking but the way how they deal to the others especially if someone who made a mistake from them.

When we say our family, it simple implies to our possession; therefore we can conclude that our family is a part in us. If we love our own family it seems will fall into a selfish love
in the reason our family is a part of us. What does the bible say about love in selfish love? It’s a love which the animals had.

If you observe the mother chicken to her chicks; if someone who approach and the mother chicken felt which her chicks is in endanger; she well repeal it with her capacity for her beloved checks. Observed the young birds which unable to seeks food for itself; the mother bird seeks foods for her beloved young.  Selfish love is an animal love.

Why We Should Love Our Neighbor as Our Self?

If we are Godly people we can understand these commandments.   If we can’t understand; just follow it; there is nothing to lose if we just follow it. There are some reasons why God wants us to love our neighbor. Like mystery in spirit if the fetus will die and we have no idea about the state of his or her soul; we must believe that God is the most powerful.

What does the bible say about love in the real and the perfect love?

If you have boy friend, girl friend, this is helpful for us to identify whether our co-relationships has true and real love. To identify if the people who telling that there are God – Fearing – People is not just God – fearing  - in - mouth or really God – fearing - people.

The Wikipedia free encyclopedia defined charity as for God which is incorrect; we should possess charity or above in a love for our own benefits not for God. We can say that the charity is the highest kind of love and a perfect love which must achieve by the Christian people. We must achieve for our own self and to the other as well. Those are what the Bible says about love.

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