Quality information of Rice, How to Cook Rice, Varietiies of Rice

How to Cook a Rice

How to cook rice? Are you ready to learn whether how to cook a rice by easiest and simplest means of cooking and learn different verities of rice which is necessary in cooking; remember every varieties of rice have their own volume of water which is needed to cook rice. Not all rice has the same volume of cooking and here you will acquire knowledge whether how to cook rice.
Before we proceed to the cooking of rice; let us first learn the different varieties of rice which is needed to know for accuracy in cooking purpose.

                                 Varieties of Rice

Below is the lists of variety of rice with pictures.

how to cook a rice

how to cook a rice

Angelica Blue Rice

how to cook a rice

how to cook a rice

how to cook a rice

how to cook a rice

how to cook a rice

how to cook a rice

These are combined images of Varieties of Rice

This is tutorial about whether how to cook rice and combination of information about rice. 

Rice have 40, 000 varieties; not all rice is Oryza Sativa (scientific name) known as Asian Rice but there is called Oryza Glaberimma ― African Rice (scientific name) and Canada Rice known as wild Rice (Zizania SPP ―Scientific name)

Here are the list of rice in Africa, the rice of Africa is not Oryza Sativa (please see the screen shot below)

how to cook a rice

how to cook a rice

Australian varieties of rice have nine listed below; those nine have their own characteristics.
Here are some common rice in the Philippines
  • Sinandomeng Jewel - IR 64
  • Denurado - Mindoro's Pride
  • Sinandomeng Genesis
  • RMI
  • Western Classic
  • Western Classic Blue
  • Angelica Blue
  • Black Rice
  • Red Rice
  • Brown Rice
  • Sinandomeng Labrador
  • Yummy Rice
  • And More....
Those are the some of varieties of rice.

Some teachers taught students that the scientific name of rice is just Oryza Sativa but there are species with different scientific names. 

If your teacher ask you the "what is the scientific name of rice?" You should answer; "What kind of variety Ma'am?" The teacher might assumed that the scientific name of rice is Oryza Sativa only.

Soon, we will update this information if there is new date of discovery and what type of variety of rice.

In the above mentioned rice and discovery is to give information only in the reason that we need to consider the adding of water before you placing it on the stove.
Before we proceed to the step by step guide whether how to cook rice; here are some necessary tools that we need to comply:

Things that Are Needed in Cooking of Rice
  • ·         Water
Watering Techniques in Cooking of Rice or the Volume of Water for Cooking of Rice
Below is the lists of all things that are needed in cooking of rice.

Pots are for rice; do not use pots with crack or same case in the reason the water will leak.

Stove – the stove is for pots but the pots are not for stove. There are many ways to cook rice without stove that’s why the pots are not for stove but the stove is for pots.
Water – we can’t cook rice without water; before cooking of rice; be careful in selecting of water if dirt or not. Don’t use any water without making sure if it is clean or not.
Fire – we can cook without fire in some means and tactics; but, the using of fire is the easiest way and the faster way in cooking of rice.

Water if over in volume of water, may cause wet of rice after cooked, we must cook rice in the right volume of water, see the example below. Here is now the watering techniques in cooking of rice or the volume of water for cooking of rice.

how to cook a rice

Note: this is only example

If you cook rice, you must measure it, see that rice in the bowl; if the volume of one rice is the whole bowl; same also to the volume of water.
Rice has many varieties and every verity has its own watering volume in cooking of rice. In the example above: the watering techniques may change in the reason that the every verity has their own watering volume. There is rice which is needed of small amount of water while the some are needed of high volume of water.
In this case we need to experiment especially if we are not yet familiar about the variety of rice which is ready to cook in your kitchen.

Techniques in Cooking of Rice and Tips
The Time of Cooking of Rice

Let us experiment if the variety of rice is unknown and you should follow this techniques in cooking of rice and tips in order for you to cook the rice in the right cooking and not wet or uncooked due to lack of water.
Remember if the rice is lack of water during cooking may result of uncooked and the high volume of water may result of wet.

Here are the tips and techniques now in cooking of rice if the variety is unknown.

First follow the above techniques; same volume of rice and same volume of water and if the result was wet then in the next cook decrease the volume of water. If the result is uncooked even though the water is same in volume and the rice; increase the volume of water in a minute manner and same also to the previous mentioned if the result was wet.

The time of cooking of rice - put the stove in a medium volume of fire and leave it at least five minutes and check if there is small amount of water if the water is small change the volume of fire into small or whatever which is present on your stove.
After the whole water was diminish and the rice was totally dried; check it with spoon whether the rice is smooth and if there is presence of seems very hard portion; that portion was uncooked and needed of water. In case this was happened; put minute water and cook it again in a minute volume of fire.
After the cooking of your rice and when you check is okay, off the stove and leave it at least two minutes or one minutes but if you would like to eat after you cooked your rice, but is fine you can eat it.

How to Cook Rice in Rice Cooker

How to Cook Rice in Rice CookerBelow you will learn whether how to cook rice in rice cooker.

The most simple and easiest means of cooking of rice is rice cooker which powered by electricity.
Our technology is telling us whether how we are now very equipping with intelligence and the rice cooker is very useful. The easiest and convenience of cooking of rice was the rice cooker.

Here are the techniques, tips, procedure in cooking of rice in rice cooker

The very simple in cooking of rice is just measure the volume of water and the volume of rice in the same manner.

For example:

If your rice are three cups your water are three cups as well and turn on the rice cooker and let that to cooked your rice, see very simple and easy whether how to cook rice in rice cooker.

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