Is Masturbation is a Sin?

Is Masturbation is a Sin?

Is Masturbation is a sin? Masturbation is an act of pleasing of own self by either by using of tool or by own hand or other devices. Pleasing by imagination while manipulating the sexual organs to attain and to get the purpose's desire.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the people who always masturbating and the disadvantage of masturbation to the people are poor concentration to do the things and the one advantage are free from prostate cancer due to the canal is always clean that cause something not right to the people if the canal is dirt.

The other claimed that the consequence of masturbation is weakness of the body but the expert said, "if your weak, why you can get to go to school?"

Masturbation for men is an act of raping himself by his own hand, by sex toys and more and in women is an act which either fingering, massaging either her breast or his vagina to achieved orgasm to please herself, himself without aid from partner. Self is own partner. So rude right? But, this is the reality right? This is not a matter of rudeness but to express the reality to give information to the readers, that was the intention of this article.

masturbation is a sin

Some people searching and believed that the masturbation is a sin, masturbation is a sin or not? If the time comes; the boy or the girl masturbated for the first time; they called it masturbation fall.

masturbation is a sin

The masturbation according to scientific findings’ result, can gives benefits a to the person who practicing masturbation.  But in the sigh of God in the Bible is masturbation is a sin or not? 

masturbation is a sin

During masturbation of person; the person who doing masturbation is imagining the man or the woman that they are doing sex with each other in that time or imagining that the person who masturbating have see the nude man or woman even this is just imagination its pleasing to the person who is engaging in masturbation.

masturbation is a sin

The most mortal sin in the sight of God is the taking of wife of other person which was legally married. Killing of a person, worshiping the image of false gods even just in the image of people or animals both in under the heavens or above in the heavens and what kinds of animals and the likes notion.

masturbation is a sin

As human we have all lust, if man can’t control or the woman, sometimes the man invited for partner in sex which is the real sin in the sight of God.  In this case it’s better to masturbate than to engage in a real sex and the masturbation was not defined as sin, there is no direct commandments that the masturbation is a sin but the engaging in the sex which not your husband and wife is the sin.

Some said, the people who always masturbating are men and if men the Apostle and Prophets are men, so, they engaged in masturbation as well since they are men? We have no record in the Bible those the Apostles and Prophets and other Godly people were practiced masturbation even the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is record in the Bible that the lust of men is lust of Lord Jesus as well due to the Lord formed like a man, therefore if the man felt sexual desire in flesh is possible that the Lord Jesus Christ felt that lust as well? Is possible that the Lord practiced masturbation as well? The Bible is a book of history, which telling the whole and important facts about God and Lord Jesus Christ and there is no record in the Bible that first Christian practiced that masturbation like people doing right now in this age.

Might the idea in their time was already existing but might the Bible refuse to mentioned it. We have no idea where the word masturbation came from or where this notion started and when. Even the child nor abnormal people knew about about masturbation and the fact that they know about it without educating by someone, there is abnormal that has child. That abnormal knows how to do a sex, if that abnormal knows how to sex, is possible that abnormal knows how to masturbate.

The idea might start when the abnormal felt in his body the lust and the start of manipulation of sexual organs without knowing that abnormal practices masturbation, as normal we called it masturbation but them is just a simple act to achieve their sexual desire by using of both or single hands or might after one hand is another hand.

We know masturbation and that is the reason why we searching whether the masturbation is a sin or not. If sin we committed something not right in the eyes of Almighty and if not we can continue our acts unless to the people who do not believed in God, fell free to do masturbation.

We have no record that first christian practiced masturbation but they knew how to sex, if they knew whether how to sex, does it mean, they knew how to masturbate as well. The people knew how to sex, knew how to masturbate as well.

masturbation is a sin

Masturbation V.S Taking the Wife of Others

Who is practicing justice? Is it the person who just masturbating or taking the wife of others? It is better to masturbate than to get into trouble. There is no trouble to the people who just masturbating than in taking the property of others. If you have mercy, you should execute your mercy. Show mercy to the child of the woman, it is unfair for them that their mom or the father was lost because of you. 

They want their families’ intact and no one with sound mind that their family’s scattered. We know all of us were from the child and we wants our families intact, if you realized, why you still destroying the life of others. It is better to masturbate than to destroy the life of others.

If you want to have sex in legal means; strive, court woman and marry him and make love with her every day. If you want to sex every day, then get the woman who is sex lover, in order for you to have a match and one thing is for sure, you will live a happily ever after. But; be careful in selecting of woman or on man, always investigate thoroughly before engaging in this type of life. So, is the masturbation is a sin or not? 

Expert in health said that the masturbation has benefits; some said that the masturbation can make to the person's weak and makes thin. Semen according to them are thing that needed to release not to store. One benefits of masturbation is away from prostate cancer; can relieved stress and makes the mind pacific.

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