Rice, Red, White Rice, Rice Cooker, How is Rice Grown and Rice Plants


According to Statistics; there are 40, 000 recorded rice verities and the rice are contained of carbohydrates that necessary in consumers to generate the energy by conversion of carbohydrates into energy if the body is moving and sugar if the body is idle.

That sugar that has been produced by the idle body that may cause diabetes disease that has capacity to kill if not treat properly and that the start of worries that the person who suffered will die. There are many alternative ways like substitution of consumption instead of rice; vegetables will makes your body thin due to lack of sugar that will generate fat that responsible of diabetes. Fruits are best for the substitution, human was created to eat fruits and vegetables; the rice is a fruit of grass; the rice is part of grass’ family.

This type of fruits can pose danger to the consumer if the taking of rice is over to the right volumes of consumption per day. Fruit that needed to cook for consumption unlike to the other fruits that are ready to eat if ripe, to get the carbohydrates; the rice should cook properly. If your stomach is strong enough to thaw the uncooked rice, you felt nothing after the consumption of uncooked rice or not the consequence of eating of uncooked rice is stomach ache.

Not all man can consume rice, especially the infants and the sick people who prohibited eating of rice for their own protection. People who have cancer cells must refuse in eating of rice in the reason that the cancer cells’ food is sugar.

If the people is under medication due to cancer, must abstain from consuming foods those are sweats and other foods those may generate sugar if not burn by body and the example is the rice. Coffee is excellent in terms of anti-oxidant; this anti oxidant is good for generating not of cancer cells but the sugar that has been added may cause diabetes to the consumer if constant. Take a pure coffee without adding any sugar is excellent.

 Rice Cooker

Rice cooker is an instrument to cook rice; all utensils that have capacity or used in cooking rice might call rice cooker in the reason their duty is to cook rice. The rice cooker do not cooked themselves but men that maneuver them. Pots and instrument that needed electricity to function are called rice cooker.  
rice cooker

rice cooker
Buy a rice cooker which passed the quality standard for your own protection, avoid buy fake especially in the online shopping sites. If you would like to buy in online shopping; select the site which is trusted that protects buyer and not the sellers.

Be careful in selecting the product to avoid disaster that may exist in your house that may results to the life of others ‘end. Life is only one and that is one reason those some other people are afraid of death. That afraid are the reason of killings that fell into crimes against person.

Rice cooker is modern types of utensils which from a simple pot; invented by human intelligence. If the house owners using rice cooker; their bill in electricity will increase for sure due to that the rice cooker is great eater of electricity. All utensils which produced heat are the responsible of your bill’s increase.

So, if you are the house owner who saving your money; don’t use rice cooker that consumed electricity.

Rice cooker is can shop through online especially in Amazon United Kingdom and U.S.A., shop on Amazon United Kingdom now here. There were many cases those the causes of burning incidents were from malfunction of rice cooker.

Red Rice

Red Rice called red rice due to the color of rice that red, this type of rice is not same to the other rice which the color white.  This rice contents anthocyanin which was responsible of color red which can see of our naked eye. The responsible of color black in black rice is also anthocyanin.
The anthocyanin has no choice to appear; may appear in stem, leaves and fruits and that is the reason why there were called black rice and red rice due to antocyanin.  All rice is rich of carbohydrates that may create sugar that has tendency to create diabetes as disease except black rice.

White Rice

This is the information about white rice.In the above mentioned; there are 40,000 varieties of rice  and 3 of them are black rice, red rice and brown rice. Those three mentioned rice are the rice those have colors and the rest are white rice. Common countries consumed white rice other than black, red and brown. People who suffered disease prepared to eat black rice due to less sugar and tasteless flavor. Some people consumed brown rice for some reasons. Brown and white rice is rich in carbohydrates; the taking of these types of rice should control by consumer for their own benefits.
Very common to the people especially to the people who grown in the cities whether how is the rice grown.
How is the Rice Grown
How is the rice grown? The rice was grown here on the planet earth which is under the natural process before the rice grown like to the other trees as well in the forest, grass, marine organisms and all those have life and the man is scope with this mentioned.

Some plants were grown from the seeds like mango and etc…. and the rice was grown through seeds and the seeds are the fruits which was our food but the way the rice which intended for food and the rice was intended for seeds have different means to treat for different purpose.

The rice for food is simply put under the sun and other ways to dry the seeds and after that procedure, if the dryness was reached to the intended results, is put under the grinder machine to remove the skin of the rice and the powder as the result of grinding can be feed to the animals, animal like pigs and other animals which can consume powder from rice.

If the rice after the harvest is put under the sun as well and other means to reach the intended dryness and after those steps; the farmers soak the one sock or whatever the volume wants by farmers. They soak the rice on the water more or less 1 week. During the soaking process the farmers is preparing the rice field for planting.

They make the mud of the rice field very smooth for rice seeds; they make the mud of the rice field very smooth for rice field through constant plowing with the used of new generation technology to ease the works during flowing of the land. Some farmers especially to the poor countries; still using the old style techniques in plowing of rice field, they used water buffalo and other useful animals those have capacity to drag the tools in farming, that makes the land smooth until become mud.

After finished the rice field very smooth; they will start planting the rice through throwing of rice seeds by hands, not by one by one putting of the rice seeds on the rice field. If they will put those rice seeds one by one, it will takes years to finish and that is the reason why that the rice seeds thrown in the rice field and to spread.

The farmers let it until the rice will grown more or less 9 inches and the farmers will remove those rice plants and plant again by groups; groups by groups in order the rice plants have space for better and good for rice plants to grow well.

As the rice plants growing, they will put those rice plants of fertilizers to make the rice plants grow well with healthy fruits. Also with pesticide, they will use pesticide’s spray for rice plants’ protection.
They will hire workers to remove the grasses that grown with rice plants; those grasses are competing with the rice plants getting the vitamins and minerals those from land which turned into mud.

The farmers will wait more or less three to 4 months before the rice will harvest and then, back again to the top wherein the other seeds are intended for food and the rest is for reproduction again and this how is the rice grown.

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