Learn If What Is a Demon And the Difference Between the Lucifer and Demons

What is a Demon

What is a demon? There was difference between Satan and Demon? Is it the Satan is demon? That questions might arise from curious mind and that was the reason why searching of answers on the Internet.

Here are our views about demons. The demons were recorded in the Bible as bad spirits those entered or known as possession on body of human. The apostles practiced exorcism to cast out the demon or the bad spirit from the body or person who was suffering from possession of the devil. There was recorded as well that they have times that they can’t cast out the demon and they bring to the Lord Jesus Christ.
what is a demon

There were times as well that there was person which suffering from the possession of the devil approached to the Lord, and the Lord cast out the all demons from him. Before they cast out from the body of man, the Lord as them, "What is your name?" They answered, “Legions”, that was only implies that the demons could speak and the evidence that they could speak through the Bible and the Bible has record about that incident.

They called themselves as legions and not demons. Now, what is a demon? Actually the demons can be call as Satan as well due to all of them were adversary of God or know as Satan. But the demons called demons due to these types of Satan were the responsible of possession to the man. All possession, paranormal activity, and ghosts those some believed those are their love ones.

All of them can be call as demons. But to the highest of all demons was the Lucifer as called by some. When we say Lucifer it’s implies to the Satan which signifies to the one person. Even the Bible called to the first traitor as Satan, the great deceiver of the humanity.
what is a demon

The Satan those called demons are those Satan those were the responsible of the possession as mentioned above and the first traitor was recorded only in the Bible that deceives the human only. There were no recorded in the Bible that the first traitor was entered to the body of human. There was no information like that and no one can prove that the first traitor in the history entered to the body of anyone and made as his own shelter like to the ordinary Satan.

The difference of the first traitor of known as the Lucifer was never entered to the body of human but to the ordinary Angels who became the member of the Lucifer was entered to the bodies of humans and made many supernatural things that no one can understand especially to the people who have not background in terms of spiritual things.

what is a demonAgain, the demons those entered to the body of humans can be call as Satan but the Lucifer, the first traitor never been entered but just deceive the humanity through illusion and made the people evil through constant temptation from his cohort those deceived the people and made some good people into evil.

But to those ordinary just the responsible that we know as supernatural things and those are demons, might also the Lucifer called demons. This case the Satan and the demon is a synonym. The bible called the Lucifer as an old snake, the devil and Satan. One thing is for sure, in terms of physical appearance, no one to his cohort is above in him. 

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