Crab Mentality Meaning

Crab Mentality Meaning

Crab mentality meaning is an expression dedicated to the people who want to downgrade the reputation, to down the people who on the top due to envy and due to that they want the things which them have not those the other have or achievement of the people in the top. The envy was started to the people who have no capacity to do the things; even they reach their capacity to do so. 

crab mentality meaning

This people called crab mentality due to their behavior like crab, behavior like an animal, seldom now the people who have not behavior like this. These people might used bad words not in expression but to insult the other people.

Who are the people those have crab mentality? Can you identify it? What are the signs? Is it just simple envy? Is always anger? Are jealous people?

crab mentality meaning

Might the people who have crab mentality are those people who were intention to raze the other, especially their personal, in business, through their life status and the likes.

If your observation is keen enough, you can identify whether the people or just a person has that kind of thinking. That kind of thinking is instinct in us? Was from hereditary? Where the crab mentality came from?

crab mentality meaning

Those questions are the common to the people those who are curious; like to say, where the wickedness came from? So, where the crab mentality came from? Might that kind of thinking was part of our behavior.

If part of our behavior, where the people learn about this type of behavior? Is behavioral disorder? But, according to the expert, the crab mentality was not part of behavioral disorder.

crab mentality meaning

They were insisting their selves to achieve like other even lack of mental capacity to execute their plan and tactics well. The crab is an animal that if they combined, they will fight, like spider; the spiders when meet each other will fight until one of them shall die and unfortunately the weak would served as food of strong.

If you have experience about playing of non - dangerous spider, then, you will realize what we mean. But, not all spider fighting each other, we compare to the spider who are hostile.

Here Some Information About Spider that you Should Know About Them.

crab mentality meaning

Here are the information about spider

  The spider have eight legs, if you have seen if there was a spider have eight legs below, that was consequence of amputation might due to fight. The spider also has possession of poison especially their fangs, and there were incidents that there were victims of spider that died due to poison which present on their fangs. The spider is almost in the whole world except the north and South Pole due to frozen effect.
The animal crab is differ from them due to the crab is not eating the co-crab while the spider is eating their co-spider.

Did you know that the spider produce eggs without male. All spiders might produce eggs; we don't know if there is no male and female in the spiders. In short the spider's gender is unknown? 

Here Are Some Facts About Crab

crab mentality meaning

Facts About Crab

 Common to the Fishermen, sells the crab which came from salt water, and the crab even no water can survive. What if the crab which lives in sea water put onto fresh water, may die or may not? If your so curious, then experiment it by your self.

Some people on earth are seems  have crab mentality due to if someone who top in them, they want to down it like crab in the basket, if someone who in the top, the other crab wants to fall the other crab who on the top. 

Crab mentality has a broad meaning which implies those have many form of mentality. The crab mentality instinct was not just formed in one place or in one country.

crab mentality meaning

Albert Einstein believed that "so long as there are men, there will be wars" Albert Einstein dedicated this in World War 2. His phrase might not so popular but his invention and unique equation are the most popular. We can change this phrase of Albert "so long as there is envy, there will be crab mentality"

Like war where has no limit if when to stop, when to start and when to pause. Same also to the people who have crab mentality, so long as there is envy of the heart of the people, there will be crab mentality.

crab mentality meaning

In businesses might had formed of crab mentality, if the competitor built business to compete you, then that was formed of crab mentality due to they want to raze your business by competition, but, if their intention is to sustain their daily needs and that’s why they built business to survive in life, then, that was not a formed of crab mentality

Intention is the first that we should consider. People who have crab mentality are jealous people.
crab mentality meaning

Do you have boyfriend, girlfriend? Are you sure that your co - relationship has no type of that thinking, if yes, so, what are you waiting for? Do you want that someday, you and him or her will separate each other. So, what kind of family is that, so, choose carefully the man or woman. During your relationship which just boyfriend, girlfriend status, try to catch him or her if has crab mentality behavior or thinking.

crab mentality meaning

In choosing of man or woman to become a partner in life is a wise one but to the wise man who are very pretentious are dangerous one.

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