What Does Pinoy/Pinay Mean? Here is the Answer

What Does Pinoy Mean

What does pinoy mean? Pinoy is referring to the one man which has citizen of Filipino, it implies to the man and if woman called Pinay. Pinay means is a woman that has citizen of Filipino. It is better to say that Pinay/ Pinoy is a native Filipino who naturally born in the Philippines.
what does pinoy mean

Pinoy is a singular and the Plural is Pinoys. Pinays is a plural and Pinay is a singular.
If you are referring to the man/ men — called the man as Pinoy if man; called it as Pinoys — a plural of Pinoy is Pinoys, same also with the woman, if woman called it as Pinay and if women called it as Pinays — the plural of Pinay.

For example:

(Plural) Those Pinays were migrated from United States of America. Pinays was used due to we implies it to the plural form.

(Singular) That Pinay was migrated from UInited States of America. Pinay was used due to we implies it to the singular form.

Example with Man as Pinoy:

(Plural) Those Pinoys were migrated from United States of America. Pinoys was used due to we implies it to the plural form.

(Singular) That Pinoy was migrated from United States of America. Pinoy was used due to we implies it to the singular form.

If the person in the Philippines which had father that was from the United States of America or a citizen of the United States of America. That person can be call as half Pinoy, half American if male. If not or female can be call as half pinay, half American.

What if the person was gay? "Undecided!"

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