Article Writer, How to Write an Article?

Article Writer

Article writer is very important especially in terms of website. Actually in the start we have no idea about website and SEO which is very important for organic traffic and if you willing to learn new things, who will be the hindrances? Below you will learn how important the article writer is and why some article writers have possibility to end and in what reasons?
how to write an article
The most lucrative carrier in the online word is the article writer. Some article writers especially the freelance writers from online platform like: guro, upwork, truelancer and the likes online platforms gives way for online writer professionals. 
However, not all freelance's writers have knowledge about keyword research, even the word keyword research tool.
how to write an article
If you have sufficient skills to write quality content, why you did not create your own website in order for you to become your own boss? The creation of website is very easy and we recommend that you should use blogger blog-spot. The blogger blog-spot is totally free and with SEO tools. I f you have sufficient knowledge about SEO, then, it is your time to create and become popular in the internet.

If you don't have yet background about this notion, here are some reasons and purpose of keyword research by using keyword research tool:

  • The using of keyword research tool is know the number of people who searching on the web.
  • In order for us not to out in to write an article
We can conduct keyword research tool for free but in limited search. We have just 10 free search and in the next day proceed again. 10 research per day.

The keyword research tool is very easy to use; after the sign up, just search it on the left side and click the research tool and you can add your Google Analytics Account.

The local volume is the volume of searchers in a specific country; just proceed it, that tool is very easy.
The Best way to Make your articles display in the SERP.

Why you still searching an article of others, why don't you write your own article and make money online? Stop writing for others and you just make them rich and you still an employee? If you have writing ability, then you should learn SEO as well. Don't forget to obey the rules and regulations in blogging especially in the field of SEO. Use white hat techniques for your own good buddy.

Here are some helpful for you for your website

The universe has its own orbit and same also to the website; if the writers did not conducted keyword research it seems the article is not existing on the web.

If you don't have yet keyword research tool - follow this Affiloroma or or type it on the search bar and join, its free. Don't worry we have commission for this and actually we are also in free plan. We're here to help you.
how to write an article
The Possible End of Some Article Writers Carrier Without E.A.T/ Expensive Article Writer. The important part in the web are articles; almost sites hiring article writers to write the contents.

The E.A.T is Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. This is the guideline of Google during their rating of your web pages. Since the Google change their search algorithm, the traffic of some website might affected due to changes. This guideline will be the end of some article writers. without e.a.t.

There are many job online portals which offers article writing jobs for freelancers, some web owners hired writers for their own websites for Search Engine Result Page. They used Search Engine Optimization techniques to prevail the ranking compare to the others which the contents have poor quality. The heart of web masters is to become top on SERP in order can obtain large amount of traffic; more traffic more income.
how to write an article
Not all webmasters are good writers and that is the reason why that the some are hiring from different portals like:,,,, and the likes job online portals. To make articles to the target niches, however the some writers have no experience, expertise, authorization and not trustful whether their article that have been write are one hundred percent correct  of course with exception like personal blogging.
how to write an article
The article must be unique, on page optimized to conquer the SERP; if you write informative article is one ingredient to be optimized. If the guidelines of Google has lowest, makes sure the main content of your site is not a spun article or copied from other sites.

The result if the writer of article have no E.A.T; The Poor Article Writer.

If the contents of your web pages was have written by freelancers that without expertise in the particular niche. One thing is for sure, the rating will be low or lowest. If this case your traffic will decrease and the income as well.

Now; if you are the owner of the website where do you get the money to hire the article writer freelancer with expertise in the niche that you want to post on your web?  Your income is decreasing and the rate of expert is expensive for sure.
There are some freelance writers with expertise in the particular niche. They have expertise in the reason that they have experience.

For example:

I’m the article writer; I would like to write the article with title of "how to clean your pistol firearm."
how to write an article
What is the reason that the Google will rate that page as high or highest? That is now your pages must have a details of profile if who is the writer of your website. They will do their best to find out if who is the writer; they will examine it whether the writer has expertise in that niche or no. What qualifies me to rate as high or highest by Google? That is the main question that if who is the author.

This is now the end of some article writer that without expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. There is a chance to show in SERP even the article writer have no E.A.T? The Chance To Display in Search Engine. However; the Google will oblige to show the article even though the writer of article has no experience, expertise and etc. to show in the reason that they have no option and the query of user is match in that sole article.

In personal blogging, Q&A pages and etc. there is no need of E.A.T in this case, therefore you must strive in this tactics if you are article writer which without E.A.T. Even in rating of that pages that need not of E.A.T, maybe medium or high, very fortunate if the rating is highest
Direct Blogging V.S Blog for Search Engine Optimization

The direct blogging has more advantage if the blogger have loyal readership at least 1 to 2 millions compare to the Search Engine techniques; in search engine techniques; the competition online are much than direct blogging. If your loyal readership are below 1,000 or more but not exceed in 10, 000, its better to adapt Search Engine Optimized Blog.

The advantage of Search Engine Optimization V.S Direct Blogging
how to write an article
The Search Engine Optimization techniques has more advantage if the blogger are just get started; however not all blogger are familiar about search engine optimization, this technique is last longer if the blogger updated regularly the articles, if you just get started adapt this technique to build your loyal readership and followers.

If your article is very compiling and very informative; the recommended updating of this type of article at least a month to still resilient in the result page. Always check your competition rank in the result page; more competition more challenging on your part and with corresponding of more works and time to still maintain in the top of the result page.
how to write an article
To maintain that your page still on the top of the result page; use Google Analytics in this case; the Google analytics is our friend as webmasters. The Google Analytics tells us our bounce rate; bounce rate can serve as the killer of ranking; more bounce rate more poor in ranking. If the bounce rate is high; it is the time to rewrite your article and turn your article into more compelling one. The searchers wants article compelling and informative, the searchers land on your page and the information that they want to answer their queries found not in your site and leave immediately; the bounce rate may rate might 98% very intimidating in ranking; Google will know this that your bounce rate is very high and automatically, your ranking was affected.

The solution for bounce rate is write more compelling and very informative those searchers won't frustrate about the information they want to solve their queries in the web. We must surpass the bounce rate as article writer; this qualification must posses of article writer to become successful in writing of article. Now you know the ability that should posses of real article writer of the web? Questions?

How to Write an Article

Learn how to write an article here; if you would like to become blogger, the writing skills are necessary to become article writer. Imagine the whole world will see your article plus with corresponding author name, be proud if your name was escalated worldwide.
  •  Should the article is free from any spelling mistakes and grammatical error free.
If you noticed that there was error in spelling, correct it as soon as possible and especially the grammar.

If you have seen that the article that you have read has an error in grammar, just try to understand, you know we’re just human.
  •  Brain storming
Focus and construct the sentence, with little introduction, should the contents are compelling wherein no one could claim that the information that you made is correct. Don’t lie, don’t fool anyone.

Should the paragraph is connecting each other, the flow of ideas should clear, if the idea was broken, re arrange it to the ideas where that phrase fit. Do not compose irrelevant contents to the title unless example and should has purpose why you put those phrase.

Do not compose with high words or those words which not easy to comprehend unless the article is intended to the specific audience. Those only the best tips whether how to compose, the style of paragraph is in you, compose according to your style. Those are the basic if how to write an article.

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