Meaning of Traffic? Difinition

Meaning of Traffic

What are the two meaning of traffic? the first is: Traffic have many meanings and those are traffic in the road ways and traffic in the websiteThese are the two definitions of traffic.

meaning of traffic

The intention of Google and do this step to get organic TrafficThe Right Term for Traffic in Road Ways.

meaning of traffic


Traffic in website is simple referring to the visitor; even one visitor still called traffic. That is the one definitions of traffic have two meanings and one meaning, traffic in the road ways and the one is traffic in the website. If you have own website you must know how to increase your web traffic.

To get a lot of traffic in your website, you must understand about the SEO it helps you to get organic traffic from search.

In order for you to get a lot of traffic, technical knowledge about the SEO is not enough; your website should design for visitors or users which giving to them with the informative articles to use for their own  benefits of course the second effect is to the owner of website as well.

meaning of traffic

The primary intention of Google is to give information to the readers, if you read their article in webmaster academy, according to them you must design it for users not for SEO rankings.

Note: Do not underestimate the SEO but again the informative article is the king. Even though the article is informative but the writer is not authorized, neither any expertise in the niche still it will put it on lowest or in low ranks. Before you hire the article writer; makes sure that your writer has experience and authorized.

For example:

You hired someone to write about crime and if the writer has no background neither experienced; the Google will rate it as low and the worst if copied it from other sites the rating will be lowest.
The authorized to write about crime is criminologist like me and other niche about criminologist matter.

meaning of traffic

In that case; we have authority, experience and trustful that our article that we have written is 100 percent correct. Remember the word E-A-T. If I write about website, SEO, affiliate marketing, am I authorize to write those niches?

 We have no authorization but we have experienced, if we will share our experience about affiliate marketing in click bank and Amazon, still we have possibility to be rate as medium or high but it depends to the discretion of Google whether they will rate it as high, medium or low. The deep knowledge about SEO is the most important factor of increasing of traffic on your site, without this knowledge, it seems you just working in nothing.

Road Traffic

Now; the Rod traffic in the road ways: traffic in the road ways is implying to the movement of either vehicle or people in the roadways and the accumulation of large volume of cars (the like) and people is called traffic congestion.

meaning of traffic
The right term if you implying to the large volume of traffic in road ways the appropriate term  to use is traffic congestion. In the above is the definition of traffic.

meaning of traffic

Traffic Investigation ㅡ are those investigations made by Law Enforcers after the accidents happened or made by intentional. That incidents might had victims or just simple damage in property. The purpose of investigation is to clarify the case whether who should pay for the damage and should penalize in accordance with law.

meaning of traffic

This is an example of crime scene in road ways; the image shows that there was a traffic accident. This type of incident may called traffic accident and not a crime scene due to that this incident was caused by accidents. If intentional, may call this as crime scene in road traffic.

This type of crimes has also crimes scene; crime scene in the road traffic. But, this type of crimes in road traffic has no victim ― victim-less crime. 

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