Here is the Best Explanation About the Origin of Life

Origin of life

Where the origin of life started? Let’s talk first whether why there were technologies existed. The technologies existed due to invention and the invention was started from the intelligence of human.

The social Medias existed like technologies and were invented by humans and now we are free to connect anywhere so long as there is Internet we can access to the powerful social Medias platform to connect with the other people; anywhere, anytime we want to connect.
Our life now is very comfortable due to technologies, social Medias built by humans. 
origin of life

We have a nice life and no one with sound mind hates life and no one can blame why he/she have life. Even the poor people, even what difficulties in life still finds solutions to become rich someday in order for them to have a good life and we did not say if your poor you don’t have nice life. You should thankful even though you are poor remains you have a life and there was a song mentioned that "so long as there is life, there is hope".

Yes, even what difficulties encounter in life, just don’t lose hope and just strive for your future.
Since we have life, the questions drawn on our mind that why we have life and where the life came from? There was creator of life? If there was who are they? Is it they or He? If He, who was Him? Where He came from? God is the common term used dedicated as the creator of life.

Unfortunately some people did not believed in God even in the Bible and the best explanation whether where the life came from was from the energy that responsible explosion of Big Bang. The most popular theory that theorized the explanation of the origin of life was from the explosion.

The explosion created planets, universe, and all heavenly bodies. Our earth was from the big explosion and the earth was formed by explosion and all life was from the bacteria from the sea and the bacteria due to billions of years formed other species and billions and billions ago formed man.

This theory as we know was from the theory of Charles Darwin. If all was from the bacteria; the one question that can oppose to that theory is if the bacteria have life, where the life of bacteria came from?
No one can answer to this question nor does other theory explain whether where the life of bacteria came from. But, the Bible has explanation whether where the life came from. The bible is authentic and here is the explanation whether if the bible is authentic or not.

The best explanation whether where the life came from was from God. Since the God is the source of all life; the questions is; where the God came from? Who gave life in God? Is it there was being made Him?

 If there was, what is the name of that being? The bible has one phrase that the intelligence of human is not same with the intelligence of God. Our only knowledge and the questions those impossible to solve whether where the God came from, this question is answerable due to our brain has limitation.

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