Leprosy in the Bible From Old to New Testament

Leprosy in the Bible

The leprosy in the bible has two significance, either from sin or from personal hygiene. The cause of this disease as we know was from bacterial infection and in the bible: God can control the bacteria like what happened in the time of Moses wherein God gave manna’s food for Israelite as His people during their exodus. The manna never spoiled when God commanded them to get more due to Sabbath and never get more if not Sabbath in the following day.

When they violated that commandment, the manna was spoiled and only implies that the bacteria can control by God.  Leprosy was used by God to attest to the Israelite that Moses was sent by Him as evidence to their eyes that Moses never fool them.

When Miriam committed incorrect deed, God gave them a leprosy and to the people who hindrance the Israelite during their travel. The first recorded leprosy was when Moses used it as evidence that he was sent by God for the people of God as promised to his friend’s Abraham.

When someone infected with this disease, God commanded Moses to separate anyone who had this in order for the others contaminated not and set tints outside in the crowd or separate from the others. If someone who had the symptoms, would undergo diagnostic to identify if those symptoms are symptoms of leprosy or not; if leprosy, the person was separated from the others and if not, the person was returned to his / her tent, in his /her family.

There were many conditions gave by God if someone who had this kind of plaque. Plaque in the Old Testament was used if someone who had leprosy and separated until the person who suffered in this disease and can mingle again from the other people if the person had this was fully recovered in his / her plaque.

Same with the New Testament wherein the leprosy was called as plaque if someone who had this and all disease was healed by Jesus Christ and by His Apostles. Not only leprosy but even the dead people, disable, blind, was suffered from possession of bad spirits and more.

These happening were happened in the Old Testament in the bible, start from Moses and below except to the New Testament that happened in the time of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When Christ started His preaching from the Israelite, He healed any kinds of diseases in every people who approached in Him. Even the Apostles have power to heal the diseases and that power which came from God Almighty through the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are many people suffered from this type of diseases and Christ healed them all except to the circumstances that never recorded on the Holy Scriptures.

In this age wherein the intelligence of human was upgraded could not healed the leprosy even in a half day unlike in the time of Christ, He can healed in a seconds, can do exorcism and can give life to the dead.

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