Books of the Bible in the New Testament

Books of the Bible

The books of the bible has 66 books and this is the list of the new testament with little summary of their contents. Follow the link to visit the list and the little summary of the Old Testament.

2. Mark
3. Luke
5. Acts
6. Romans
7. 1st Corinthians
8. 2nd Corinthians
9. Galatians
10. Ephesians
11. Philippians
12. Colossians
13. 1st Thessalonians
14. 2nd Thessalonians
15. 1st Timothy
16. 2nd Timothy
17. Titus
18. Philemon
19. Hebrews
20. James
21. 1st Peter
22. 2nd Peter
23. 1st John
24. 2nd John
25. 3rd John
26. Jude
27. Revelation

Those are the list of the books of the bible in the New Testament.

Here are the some contents of each book.

The Apostle Mathew was a collector of the tax (Mathew 9:9) before the Lord Jesus called him.  He was written the book of Mathew and first he was introduced the 1:1 — the book of generation of Jesus Christ.

According to his calculation on 1: 17, from Abraham to Christ were 28 generations in total. A book states when the Joseph and Mary before came together, Mary found with child of the Holy Ghost which states on the 1:18.

That’s how Christ was conceiving by Virgin Mary; she was pregnant by Holy Ghost.  Christ also called Emmanuel which has interpretation of "God with us" 1:23. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the King on the 2:1.

In this book, John that Baptize on the water was mentioned on the 3:4 and according to him, there was next in him that will baptize the people with fire and with Holy Spirit base on the 3:11.

The history of Christ about His baptism, we can read it on the 3:13 – 17. The next verse and chapter was the test in Him.  Also called His apostles on the chapter 4:18 – 22, this Mathew book as the first book in the bible on the new testament also the book that had first mentioned about the healed of all kinds of sickness in their time on the 4:23 by Christ. He taught the Gospel of God and below is the list of the Gospel of God.

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
  • Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
  • Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
  • Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
  • Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
  • Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
  • Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Those are some Gospel of God those mentioned by Christ on the 5:3 – 11. Might there are yet Gospel of God those are not mentioned on the list above.
Christ taught us whether how to pray in the Father which art in the heaven, gave us a pattern and the pattern which on the 6:9 – 13.  This book had recorded the death of the Lord and His resurrection after three days.
  • Book of Apostle Mark

In this book, the Apostle Mark introduced the Lord Jesus Christ as a Son of God base on his epistle on 1:1. The book of Mathew and this book almost the same with each other and might with just little differences.
  • Book of Luke

This book was written by Luke and he mentioned on the 1:2 that was delivered by eye witnesses and ministers of the word. This book was written for Theophilus, 1:3. This book was written in order according to this man, which means from the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ until His ascendancy in the heaven and the happening those happened when He was here on our earth was mentioned in this book.

This book introduced first the Theophilus and started (1:5) with Zacharias — Father of John the Baptist, his mother was the Elisabeth and this couple walk on the right path and blameless in the sight of God.

This book was introduced first the John the Baptist especially his family before the family of Christ as son of God and the Christ.

  • The book of John

Apostle John wrote this book and introduced the Christ as the word of God that formed like a man and Christ as a word of God and the word of God was with God and the word is God on 1:1.

In this book also has notion that Christ was a man said by Himself on John 8:40 and sounds confusing due to some claimed that differ from the other claimed that available on some verses.

This book also mentioned that the Satan was the father of liar, a murderer from the beginning and there was no truth in him on 8:44. The most favorite verse and chapters was the 3:16 of this book that almost God – believer memorized this verse.
  • The book of Acts

The books of acts were the circumstances happened in the first Christians especially their works and that was the reason why this book was called as a book of acts.

Might this book was written by Luke as well due to on the 1:1 mentioned there "former treatise have I made, O Theophilus" notice the name Theophilus, this name was mentioned on the chapter 1 verse 3 on the book of Luke. The next phrases were "all that began both to do and teach" by Christ and signifies that this book had recorded all the things those done by Christ and His teachings. Also has works of apostles, evangelists and other important people.
  • The book of Romans
In this book, on 1:1 mentioned there that Apostle Paul was a servant of Jesus Christ.  The epistle was for the brethren in the place of Rome and that was the main and possible reason why this book was called Romans due to the scriptures was for the Romans. The Roman people are Gentiles.

On the chapter 16 verse 21, this verse was the salute portion and on the verse 22 was claimed by Tertius that he was wrote the book of the Romans. In short, the writer of the book of Romans was Tertius dictated by Apostle Paul and the last portion of this book was mentioned that the God only wise.
  • 1st Corinthians

The 1:1 mentioned there that the Apostle Paul was called by God to be Apostle of Jesus Christ. The next verse stated there that the Apostle Paul was called on the Church of God. We can simply conclude that the Apostle Paul was called on the Church of God due to the verse two is the continuation of the verse one.
In this book, mentioned there that the Christ was the wisdom of God on the chapter 1 verse 24.

According to Apostle Paul, "they speak the wisdom of God through mystery, even the hidden wisdom and that wisdom was ordained by God before the world" on the chapter 2 verse 7.

On the chapter 2 verse 15 that the person who in spirit judges all things. Not judges in according to what he/she heard and what he/ she saw on 11:3 on the book of Isaiah; was mentioned with this book that the spirit of God dwells on the holy people on the chapter 3 verse sixteen if we base in the bible.

In this book were pronounced by Apostle Paul that not to keep company in any man/woman in the church if doing this/these any of the following.

1. Fornicator
2. Covetous
3. Idolater
4. Conqueror
5. An extortioner

On the above mentioned was on the 5:11 on this book.
The Holy People shall judge the angels according in this book on 6:3.
On the 7:1, according with Apostle Paul, it is good for a man not to touch the woman.
There are many gods and lords said by Apostle Paul on the chapter 8:5.
  • 2nd Corinthians

This book was the next of the 1st epistle in the brethren in the Church of God in the place of Corinth.
  • Galatians

The book of Galatians was written by Apostle Paul in the brethren in Galicia. Apostle Paul said that if anyone that preaches other gospel other than the gospel of Christ let him be accursed on 1:8. The gospel of Christ is on the above mentioned.

Apostle Paul admitted that he was persecuted the Church of God in the past when he was in the Jew’s religion base on the chapter 1:13.  Apostle Paul was a chosen person, separated by God from (1:15) his mother womb.

He wrote to the brethren in Galicia that there were false brethren (2:4) those entered to spy inside of the church. Titus as a Greek was uncircumcised on 2:3.
  • Book of Ephesians

There was introduction like to the other books mentioned about Apostle Paul as an apostle of Jesus Christ. In this Holy Scripture mentioned base on the 2:4 that the God is rich in mercy and we are dead caused by sin in the continuation of the said verse and chapter.

On the 2:10 said by Apostle Paul that we are the workmanship of God; see and focus to the word "we" which means plurality and not generality. In this case not all people in the world are workmanship by God for good works.
  • Philippians

On the first verse and chapter was introduced the deacons and the bishops.  On the 2:10 was mentioned that there are knees that will bow in the Lord under the earth. For us, the knees beneath the earth is a mystery due to no one saw that there are people like us those live under the earth but worms and other animals’ creatures. 

There was a brother named Epahroditus (2:25 – 27) was said by Apostle Paul that his life was endanger due to hard work for Christ but God had mercy on him.
3:2 Apostle gave warned to the brethren on the Church of God that they should beware of Dogs which symbolized to the shepherds which have no understanding. 
In terms of understanding, might refer to the general understanding, not understanding which has limitations or has selection in someone.

The understanding has with fair, if the person who understand is does of fair. If the preacher of the particular religion refused to investigate the other part, get the other side due to he has no appetite with that person/people or he was angry with that person, that preacher has no understanding, a preacher that can be considered as a judge with evil mind.

Same also with the workers that mentioned on the above verse and chapter, if the worker has no understanding, judges the brother/sister that the brethren should beware of them/him/her without investigating, even though they did not see the heart of that people, we can conclude those workers, preachers and pastors are fakes. In short, those mentioned are not God- fearing – people. We should careful in those people.
  •  Colossians

Christ is the body (1:18) of the church and the first born from the dead. The gospel was preached in all creatures which are under the heaven and the Apostle Paul was made minister of it. Christ was hidden in Him (2:3) the treasures of wisdom and all knowledge.
  • 1st Thessalonians

Three people were introduced on the 1:1 of this book and those were the Apostle Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus. This book was written for the people of God in Thessaloniki. Serves as the first book that written by Apostle for those people of God.
  • 2nd Thessalonians

The second book which next to the first epistle of Apostle Paul for the people of God in Thessaloniki.
  • 1st Timothy

Timothy was son of Apostle Paul in faith 1:2. This book was for Timothy and the first epistle to Timothy.  On 1:17 the invisible, immortal and the only wise God. This verse might the reason those people interpreted that the God was only one due to this verse that mentioned "only wise God."
  • 2nd Timothy

The second epistle of Apostle Paul for Timothy, the mother of Timothy was Eunice and we have no idea whether Timothy was a biological son of Eunice or mother in faith.
  • Titus

The epistle of Apostle Paul for Titus and we can conclude that the book of Titus was written by Apostle Paul due to the first verse and chapter seems the same to the other books which had written by Apostle Paul through introduction.
  •  Philemon

This book was written by Apostle Paul for Philemon, a fellow laborer of Apostle Paul on 1:1 in this book. Apostle Paul has age when he was wrote the book for Philemon base on the chapter 1:9.

The book of Philemon was written by hand of Apostle Paul base on the 1:19.
The epistle of Apostle Paul in the brethren’s Hebrew
This book states that the God spoke in the people through His (1:1) prophets.  In the previous age before the existence of the Lord Jesus Christ, the prophets used by God as His device to communicate the people and in the last days, Christ used by God as His device to communicate the people base on the 1:2.

The next verse after the verse two stated there that the Christ was expressing the image of the person by God Father.
  • The book of Apostle James

The introduction of the Apostle James to his epistle was the 12 tribes which referred to the twelve sons of Jacob which in his times those twelve tribes are scattered abroad.

This apostle was for the Apostle of the twelve tribes as offspring of the Jacob unlike to the Apostle Paul as an Apostle of the Gentiles. On the verse 2 seems this book were counsels by Apostle James to the brethren which from the twelve tribes.
  •   1st Peter

James mentioned to his epistle that he was greeted the brethren who scattered abroad without specification wether what places they were. But Apostle Peter mentioned those places on his first epistle. Those places are the Pontus, Galicia, Asia, Cappadocia and Bithynia base on the 1:1.
  • 2nd Peter

The second epistle of Apostle Peter, this man was a fisherman unlike Apostle Paul, Apostle Paul was an educated person and there was part on the bible stated there due to learning of him, which was the reason of his unsound minded said by one person in him.

Start from the verse 5 that we should add to our faith the mentioned below said by Apostle Peter.

1. Virtue
2. To virtue knowledge
3. To knowledge temperance
4. To temperance patience
5. To patience godliness
6. To godliness brotherly kindness
7. To brotherly kindness love

Those are some important those we need to add to our faith, person without those, according to Apostle Peter is blind and cannot see afar off, 1:9.
  • 1st John

The book on the bible with the title of 1st John was the second John due to the first John was the John that next to the book of Luke and Acts.
This book stated that whether what they heard in the Lord Jesus Christ declared them unto us and the purpose of that in order for us to have fellowship in them.
In that phrase we can conclude that all written by Apostles were from the Lord Jesus Christ and words which stated by Christ was came from the Father.
  • 2nd John

The third book of John was the second John; this is a third book and not a second book.
This book was written for one person, we conclude that this book was for one person; read the last portion of this book and the introduction, signifies that this book was for one person.
  • 3rd John

The fourth book of Apostle John, this book was written for Gauis. This book has one chapter and 15 verses only.
  • The book of Jude

This Jude was not a Jude who was a traitor, there were two Jude name in the bible: Jude that sold Jesus Christ and the Jude that brother of Christ in flesh. The Jude that wrote this book was the Jude that was brother of Christ in flesh.
  • The book of Revelation

This book was written by Apostle John and serves as the 5th book of John. The revelation was seen by John after the seals were opened by the Lamb of God. He saw the black horse, snake, dragon and the sword which had spiritual meaning

This book is a book that tells those might happen in the future. A book that mentioned the beast as 666.

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