The Real Reason why the Bible is not Real

Bible is not Real

Bible is not real is possibly true due to in the book of Genesis in the bible that our earth was formed by water through the word of God. If we just use our observation, we can conclude that the earth was not formed by water due to if the earth was formed on the water, why there was fire beneath on the earth and that fire was almost found on the volcano when they start to release the pressure from the deep of the earth and that was the lava.

If the earth or we use the term land for more accurate, where the fire came from on the beneath of the land? If by water, it is impossible that the fire will exist beneath on the earth.

Let us assume that the earth was formed by water base on the book of genesis as one of the epistles of Prophet Moses. But the question is who was the responsible of the existence of fire beneath on the earth that consumed land, stones, rocks and more. If the earth was came from the water, should there’s no fire beneath on the earth due to there is maintaining cooling on the earth and that was the water that present almost 75 percent on the world.

Let us say in the beginning of the earth where the earth is a globe of water yet as the bible demonstrates whether how the earth was formed and that was billions years ago. Let us say on the globe of water, there was appeared a dry portion and became land. So the question is; if from water, why there were rocks, stones formed if from the water. How the soft turn into very hard object and the others became gold? Let us say, okay from soft turn into very hard matter.

But, we can oppose it from hard into a soft matter. Let us say the earth was formed from the accumulation of rocks after the large explosion and became a planet of rocks and fire. Since there was fire, it is logical to say that there is evaporation took place that time.

Let us say the smoke and the evaporation collaborating each other for example and other causes of formation of clouds around the planet rocks and fire and that was the start of the planet earth. 

 Since there was fire and a planet of rocks and there were clouds formation as above mentioned example and that clouds started to rain billions of years ago and the fire slowly diminished the volume and the rock due to constant raining and raining the other portion became soft and that constant and constant raining on the billions of years ago became a smooth land but the other portion those beneath on the smooth land remains rock and stones and due to raining and raining, the other portion of the planet was subdued by water and that water now was the sea water.

Since there was water on the planet, that water has capacity to minimize the hardness of the stones by the acid that present on the water, and became mud and other types of land here on our earth.

Since there was water, there was bacteria existed on the water which is the start of life here on the planet earth like bacteria on the planet mars. All was start from the bacteria same with the planet mars. That bacterium is our start and the start of humanity. The mars have life now and that was the bacteria, like on our planet earth when the life started to exist and from the bacteria.

The most important points that can convince us are; were the fire beneath on the earth came from? No one can penetrate the earth and set fire and now was the lava of the volcano when they start to release the pressure from the beneath on our earth.

If we just base on the bible, it is impossible to start the fire that consumed large amount of the earth beneath on the ground if the earth was from the water.  The earth has capacity to cool the whole planet especially the other parts of the world were covered by heavy snows.

So, where the start of fire, from the cooled earth if from the water; let us say there was heat beneath on the ground but it is impossible to formed a very hot lava that has capacity to melt the land as the ashes when they start to release the pressure.
The principle of fire is "there is no fire if there is no heat, oxygen and fuel and should there was chain reaction or self reaction in order the fire will exist."

that was the one possible reason why the bible is not real but just a possibility.

In this demonstration can give doubts in the side on bible whether the bible is correct about the formation of planet earth; the bible might incorrect in this type of demonstration. Therefore we can conclude that there is 50 percent that there is no God but 50 percent that there is God but very, very safe to believe that there is God.

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