How to tell if someone is Gay By Using of Observation

How to tell if someone is Gay

The determination whether how to tell if someone is gay is case to case bases due to some circumstances and influence by chemicals on the body and the existing of possibilities even the real men were considered by other as gays even they were real men.

Does not mean when the man loves the co – gender is a gay and same with the woman. The simple logic why we can’t presume why the man or the woman when they loves their co – gender is a lesbian or gay if masculine is the father loves his son and the son loves his father and they are the same in terms of gender therefore we can’t presume if the man when loves his co – gender was a gay.

The gay became real gay if the sexual gratification is in same gender. In short the gay has lust in his same gender and not the opposite gender. The real men has lust with woman and the real woman has lust with man and the loving is a special which we can’t determine if the opposite gender has lust or not.

The love with lust in same gender might considered as gay due to may the love was just triggered by lust or the love was just existed when the lust was formed. If the love is just present without lust therefore the man that loves that man was a man and not a gay.

If that man loves that man due to lust therefore he was a gay. The affection of love with lust is a gay also. Do not conclude if the man loves his co – man is worth for marriage but the love is just a love if there was no lust like the father that loves his son and the son that loves his father.

There was no malice in love but in terms of love with lust especially if the woman was attracted with man and the man was attracted with woman is differs from the ordinary love: that love has lust due to the attraction was started from the lust unlike to the love alone which don’t have lust.

Below is the basic determination whether how to tell if someone is gay but not conclusive whether those manifestations on the part of the man but the last part is the possible final conclusive if someone is gay.
1. By hands
2. How the way the man speaks
3. Touching the private parts of co – gender
4. Try to catch if drunk
5. The lust is in same gender
  • By hands
Common determination if someone is gay is by hands: how the way the subject of observation move his hands especially the finger and the movement of the ankle. 
how to tell if someone is gay
This type of means whether how to know if someone is gay is not conclusive due to the movement sometimes was affected by chemicals which introduce on the body of the man and the reason of the unusual movement which can only found in woman.
  • How the way the man speaks
Common like to the above mentioned determination is how the way the man speaks especially during the conversation. Like by hands this means is not conclusive due to there were some factors of the cause of alteration of voice of a man which sounds something not on the man speaks or not from the common speaks of the man.

Sometimes the man used love and the likes calling in the other person to show his affection especially if the father called his beloved son. Actually it is acceptable to call the other people as brother or sister due to it was the reality which no one can oppose to the God – believer – people that all of us was just created under the power of God and we received the highest commandment from the God Almighty to love our neighbours but we can’t call this as commandment due to if the person has this in his or in her heart, there was no commandments in her / in him.

If the man has this sometimes was mistaken by others as gay due to he loves his co – gender and same with the woman who has this. The people who don’t loves his co – gender might follows not the commandment or absent of perfect love in their heart. If you want to choose the right man to become your partner in the future, try to choose the man who loves man but no lust in the man that he loves.
If you choose the man that loves the man with lust; that only the manifestation that man was a gay and not the real man by human sense due to the real man in the spiritual sense was the Christ.
  • Touching the private parts of co – gender
This manifestation can derives us into falls conclusion due to sometimes the real man loves to touch the private parts of the other man but the lust is absent. The touches of private part of the man by man without lust may not consider as gay due to the lust is absent unlike if the man touches the private parts with lust; that only manifestations that man was a gay.
  • Try to catch if drunk
The alcoholic drinks can decrease the motor coordination particular if in the state of drunk. The person who hide the feelings with the other person is easily to catch in this technique due to poor concentration or self-controlled by alcoholic drinks.
If the man was gay; that will reveal if he is in the state of drunk. Don’t use the principle if someone drinks not the alcoholic drinks, it was a gay but the fact is there were many gays’ drinks alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks only reveal the behavior of the person. That will serve as a truth serum to attest whether what the real behavior of the person is.
  • The lust is in same gender
Here is the final and correct conclusion to prove if the person is gay or not by lust. The love as above mentioned is a general application where we can love all people around the globe but the lust is absent. If someone was a gay: they love the man with lust with the body of man.

If the lust is absent even the man loves his co – man still that man is not a gay but a real prudent man. There is no prudent man to the man who can’t love the other people especially to the enemy and to all people.

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