Hypocrite, Hypocrite Meaning and How to catch the Hypocrite People


Hypocrite is defined as a man who practicing deceit. These men who are practicing deception in dealing to the other people are called hypocrite
The bible defined as not showing the real behavior to cover - up the real behavior to gain something advantage from the others. These people who are hypocrite is the secret enemy of people who are not hypocrite.
Sometimes is hypocrisy can be considered good if for advantage of all, if the hypocrisy is for advantage of the hypocrite people is something not right. The hypocrisy is like a a lie that can be consider as good if the intention is to protect someone who are endanger.

The hypocrisy can be consider as a weapon to protect the Nation especially in the field of Intelligence or known as espionage. During the gathering of information especially in the hostile countries, the acts are requires hypocrisy to avoid detection of enemy.

Same also to the Intelligence who are indulge in organized crime groups or to those groups who are engaging in illicit activities especially the groups those manufactured dangerous drugs and in these instances the agent or the intelligence is practicing hypocrisy and lying for the sake of his or her countries.
The bible is authentic that have answered about hypocrisy and Jesus Christ mentioned about hypocrisy of some people in His time here on earth. The lord Jesus Christ can detect our spirit especially the hypocrite people. (The lord Jesus Christ was mistaken his second coming of others.) some of these people are not afraid the practicing of abortion; gambling and no love to their neighbors.
 In these cases these men are very clever in terms of deception. They believed that there is God but in their heart; they did not obey the Almighty. These people are prone in dreaming about snakes but not all. Case to case bases.

Jesus Christ was considered the hypocrite as the white grave but inside are bones.

Hypocrite People

The most brilliant hypocrite people cannot detect by people in the reason that they are brilliant. We cannot detect it. Some of them are no blemish in terms of dealing to the other people. Since we are not perfect not only in the sight of people but more in the sight of God; we can detect through their dealing in us, has no blemish, therefore just pretending.
If you ask your real friends; she or he may answered of insanity. The annoying answer is the response. If you ask your hypocrite friends and the way he or she dealing; you can find no blemish in his or her part.

Who are Hypocrites

Some hypocrite people are doing goodness in the sight of society, like: giving aid, assistance and the likes for praises and other motives that may create advantage in the future or in immediate cause in the hypocrite people.

We can say that the hypocrite people are a silent enemy in the reason that these people are not practicing the reality especially in dealing in us. Like a fisher man that waits the fish to trap in their nets.

If you trapped in their nets, that’s the starts of gossips, the downgrading of your reputation is inevitable and that was the one act performed by the hypocrite people.

How to identify if the Person is Hypocrite or Not

The brilliant trappers are not easy to catch but we can possibly identify it by in their acts. In the example above in your friends, that was the one way to identify whether your friends or whatever is hypocrite or not.
Acts of Hypocrites 

When you talk to the hypocrite people, if they were annoyed you, they will not listen to you and their facial impression’s telling that they just were listening with you, but she or he doing it for dealing not for real dealing; in short hypocrisy dealing. 

We can detect him through facial impressions and the way they talk to us. If the person always in your decision it seems not right and be careful that’s the manifestation of hypocrisy maybe? We should stay away to the people that with behaviour of hypocrisy.

Who are Hypocrite

Hypocrite people were escalated worldwide; the question is; who are hypocrite? The hypocrite people are prudent in first look; but their heart is not; the hypocrite people are prudent if someone is higher in them but not prudent in the people who under in his command. Pretending to gain something for their own advantage.

 The hypocrite people are very dangerous; they are our secret enemy; the hidden enemy and these are all people hypocrite.

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