Not Always Right Explanation, Customer is Always Right and Why

Not Always Right

Not always right is the common phrase that we heard especially in store and even to the ordinary transaction if we stand ourselves if someone was not right in a particular situation. Even to yourself sometimes you said "I’m not always right!" sometimes to the other people you can mention to him/her, "You’re not always right!"

The person who oppose to this phrase is a person who can’t accept that we’re just human; they can’t accept that as human we are prone from any mistakes anytime due to our intelligence is limited. Sometimes we committed mistake(s) to anyone without our intention to do so. Common if the acts were no intention; we did not notice that we offended the feelings of someone.

Why We are Not Always Right

The curious person asks to himself/herself why we are not always right. Here is now the real reason why we are not always right.
  • We have limitations especially in our intelligence.
As human we have large part of our brain has did not perform or best to say idle. That idle part of brain was called by some people as that portion has locked and if we unlock it especially if one hundred percent of our brains functioning according to the theories of other people, the person who unlock his/her brain can teleport and the likes more.
not always right

That theory makes possibilities if we unlocked the part of our brain that makes us have super intelligence.  If we have that, the evil people are the most dangerous; if God’s permitted such type of intelligence might we can cure or we can stop our death as the most powerful facts existing that no one can cure.

Death is incurable and there was no scientific finding that the death was unstoppable and if we have super intelligence like Lucy in the movie might we can cure it without the aids of any drugs.

Why we are not always right in terms of intelligence? We are not always right due to our brain has limitation, we can’t understand the deepest heart of other people, we can misinterpret sometimes even to the simple words from other people and that is one the reason why that we are not always right.

Customer is Always Right

Do you believed about the customer is always right? Remember some customers are liars. Some claimed if they want to back the razed products by their own fault saying "I want to back this due to there was bla bla bla bla in this part and very blab bla bla!" but in the reality the product was destroyed by their own fault.

The store has no choice but to accept the razed product due to even customers’ fault they accept it to maintain the integrity of the store and all business men might accept the product for that reason. If you are a business man and want to know why the customers are always right, that was the one possible reason due to for protection of integrity of the store.

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