Aliens in the Bible Are Real and the Mermaid?

Aliens in the Bible

The aliens in the bible are possible if they are the creatures that mentioned by Apostle Paul on the verse and chapter below and on the chapter 8 and verse 39 on the book of the Romans, Apostle Paul mentioned there that no one can (Rome 8:35) separate in us to the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was started from the 8:35 up to 39 and on the verse 39 he mentioned that no one can separate to the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and there was phrase on that verse says "nor other creature."

Which implies to the other creature other than angels and humans due to he mentioned already the angles on the verse 38. Satan is the most and the common destroyer in humans but Satan might classify as Angle that mentioned on the 38. Impossible that Apostle Paul implies the other creature with Satan and demons and therefore that phrase "other creature" to which it implies?

That verse we can conclude that there was other creatures other than heavenly creatures and humans. Might the other creature that mentioned by Apostle Paul was for the mermaid? But the mermaid might not real. If some countries hide that there are mermaids or hides the mermaid from the people around the globe and let us assume that there are mermaids and their existence are real, but the mermaids have no capacity to separate the humanity from the love of Jesus Christ.

So, what those creatures those have capacities to separate us from the love of Christ? Is it possible that there were aliens? If the Aliens are real might they are the creatures those might have tendency to separate the humans from the love of Christ.

Might they shall corrupt the faith of the people who believed in God, for example: if they are real might they shall make lie to the people who believed in God that they are part of our evolution, they travel trough time and space, they here due to they are observing and our earth was destroyed by nuclear war due to dogma.

In this case the people who believed in God might shall believed no more due to their says can corrupt the mind of humans that according to them they are our part of evolution  which means there was no God and all was from evolution and them were evolve from us — we the ancestors of them. So very easy, if the aliens are real and they said about it that they evolved from us then that words are have possible that those humans those believed in God shall change their mind that there was no God and all was the product of the evolution which invented by Charles Darwin.

There is possible that the God – believer – people shall separate to the love of Christ due to that notion those escalated by aliens.

If the existences of mermaids are real might they have their own laws that given by God to follow like in the humans those have commandments of God to obey and that was the reason why there is called bible.

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