How to Kill Rats Technique and Steps

How to Kill Rats

Follow whether how to kill rats through steps and techniques in order your house are free from rodents those have capacities to generate disease that might endanger our health and the lead to death.

Here are some simple steps and techniques that you need to follow to eliminate the pest on your house.

1. Set or make a mouse trap
2. Through manual killing of rats
3. Through cats
4. By poison
  • Set or make a mouse trap
There are many stores those sells the mouse traps and there are many types of mouse traps and each of those traps have each own means whether how to catch the mice, rats  if there were.

You can buy the traps by online shopping like on the Amazon site. The best mouse trap is the cage type of trap due to this trap can resist to the big rats that might enter on this type of trap.
how to kill rats

Unlike to the paper type of trap due to has no resistance if the big rats step on the paper with strong glue. The recommendation whether what type of mouse trap, should use the cage type, the cage type can catch the cockroach as well if that pest bite or move the bait.

There is no bait on the paper trap with strong glue; only needs the rat to step the paper but if the rat has capacity to drag the paper, it is useless and may cause destruction to the other things due to the strong movement of the rat in the surroundings.

After if the rat step; you need to kill it by stick but you cannot drown the rat together with the paper due to it needs another trap to catch the other rodents. Unlike the cage type of trap that needs bait but can resist even to the biggest rats on your house. Needs the rat to take the bait and the door will automatically close and has lock that will fall together with the door of the cage of the mouse trap. 

We can drown the rats after we caught those pets together with the cage on the water either sea water or fresh water. But we should drown the prison rats on the fresh water due to rust if on the salt water.
  • Through manual killing of rats
We can eliminate the pets like rats on our house through manual killings but this type of means needs time and perseverance and not recommended as useful in killing of rats. Don’t waste your time in searching those pets on your house but let them search the food to sustain their daily needs and we use that opportunity for our convenience.
That is why we need trap through bait, we should put the bait on the cage and the disadvantage of this type of trap is needed meat and other types of foods that can get their attention and some used coconut due to the coconut has good smell that can trigger the awareness of the rodents.
  • Through cats
Rat fear cats; if there was cat, no rats as very common knowledge, seldom that the cat never hunts the rat and instead of hunts they are friends. If your cat never hunts rats, the best remedy for this problem, you should not feed your cat. The hungriness will trigger him that will hunt food and the primary prey of this animal was the rat.
  • By poison
The poison mixed to the food and let the food serves as the bait and after the food that with poison ate by pest; you are successful to your plan but the disadvantage of this type of killing might the food will mistaken by other people, instead the poison is for rats the recipient was the person.
Don’t use this type of tactics, due to the poison is expensive and dangerous to the humans and animals.

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