Omg Known as Oh My God


Omg is an abbreviation of oh my God. Used by people when they saw unusual events from the surroundings. Sometimes used by people as an ordinary expression; expression like son of a bitch as bad words if was addressed to the person without sufficient bases that person was a son of a bitch or known as prostitute is same with omg.

Common that always heard on the YouTube videos, movies, Television shows and to the popular celebrities these words. Some might just ably by using these words and no one can stop to the ably person unless by their own initiative to change their behavior.

Almost used these words are women — talkative women those can’t control their mouth to open in nothing. Some talkative women are liar but not all. Some people that used these words are boastful and bright in their own self. If you thought that you are using the omg words or known as oh my God, think about yourself or meditate a little and examine yourself if you are a boastful and if you thought you like this then you need to change the bad habit of your mouth.

Proud is a boast and if the proud are constant it will fall into boastful. The person who never proud even in himself and never proud in their achievement is the person knows the real source of the achievement and open – minded – person.

Proud is normal but constant proud is unusual.

We cannot predict the mind of the people; some used this type for expression, might from hypocrisy, caused by surprised events especially during the course of bad events, was used if the person who suffered from any disease especially during the prayer.

Those are some possibilities why the omg was used by some people. The real God – fearing – person used this when they call the God almighty in the heaven. Seek forgiveness due to sins those they committed, unlike to the people who used constantly; there are possibilities why they used this and one possible is hypocrisy.

Might they thought when they used this, it is attractive to the fellow human and might assume for them that the speaker is a God – believer – person and God – fearing person; the people who can understand that when using this words is a sin; it is really annoying to their ears.

 But, we cannot see the heart of the human especially their intention why they used these words. The best solution for this whether how to determine if the person used this for hypocrisy through their works and how the way they deal to the other people.

If you want to stop the using of these words and here is the verse from the bible that might you change if you will obey.



This verse prohibit us to mention the name of God in vain and if you are God fearing – person you should obey this verse.
Even this verse was mentioned in the age of Moses on the old testament when they were in the course of exodus but all people are covered especially if you feel that there is God in this world.

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