Kapre in the Philippines

Kapre in the Philippines

One of mythical creature that lives in the forest was the kapre in the Philippines. The kapre according to the ancient history was a giant, the height of this mythical creature approximately 12 meters height with hair like apes


The kapre is a mythical creature was existed in the Philippines and people in some rural areas still believing of this type of mythical creature.

what is kapre

Like to the other countries, some people still believing in the werewolf and some people made documentations about werewolf, they combined all possible documents that might prove the existence of mythical creature’s werewolf.
what is kapre

Those documentations are available in YouTube. The kapre seems Goliath in the Bible; this is the only mythical creature that drawn in the mind of Filipinos that has same of Goliath’s height. The kapre was also lust with women. 
what is kapre

A chain smoker mythical creature and we do not have idea whether where the kapre get his cigar. Might he has own plantation of tobacco in the forest, might he used dry leaves, if leaves, this mythical creature is the most pathetic at all. He is very poor and the evidence that this mythical creature is the poorest at all, he never built his own house.
what is kapre

Some Filipino people afraid in the forest especially the woman that might there was a presence of kapre in the area where she go. There is no female in kapre due to the word kapre is implies to the male gender, (masculine not feminine) if there is movie that will exist in the future that there is kapre’s female. 
what is kapre

The name may change as kapra due to the kapra is a feminine gender. Some articles mentioned that the kapre is an aswang other than Tiktik and manananggalWe have no accurate information whether what is the food of kapre, might people, might animals in the forest, might fruit and might herbs.
what is kapre

Since the kapre is just a mythical creature that from ancient history passed from generation to generation that this mythical creature exists in the world. Might the cause of existence of this belief, might was started from bed stories and assumed of other Filipino people that the kapre was real.
what is kapre

If you’re in the forest and you heard that there was a broken small branch of tree, might the kapre and he just watching you and this mythical creature is near with you. But, one thing is for sure, the cause of broken small branch of tree might animals and other person in the forest.

Some Filipino people were afraid when they heard awkward noise in the forest and assumed that noise was the sound of kapre without confirmation whether what type of sounds or where the sounds came from. 
what is kapre

The cause of that immediate interpretation of noise was come from wrong belief about kapre with corresponding of fear and the first conclusion that might draw in the mind of people when the stimulus entered in the ears was the kapre.

Same to the other mythical creatures; the people have tendency to believed in a second even the people was just a victim of joke. For example: the man dress like a vampire and surprise the people on the road, the possible that those people will believe in vampire due to what they have seen on the road.

See, even in joke the people have tendency to believe especially in the supernatural things and mythical creatures like kapre.

What is Kapre

What is kapre? kapre is an mythical creature that lives in the forest, a mythical creature of Filipino People. 

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