Tiktik Aswang / Meaning of the Word Tiktik

Tiktik Aswang

The tiktik aswang is an aswang which has long tongue as their instrument to get fetus as their food from pregnant woman. The tiktik aswang is same to the other types of aswang like manananggal which eating humans. This mythical creature is carnivorous due to their primary foods is humans and might animals as well. The tiktik aswang is a mythical creature?

Tiktik Meaning

The tikitk meaning is a term which signifies two meanings and one meaning of tiktik is aswang as mythical creature in the Philippines and tiktik as spyThe question is still a question if we can’t solve it.

tiktik aswang

The werewolf is stronger than tiktik. The tiktik aswang is true or not? This belief was originated from the Philippines and possible that this belief might true. In this world, there are many mysteries like mystery in the mermaids if the mermaid is real, if the people those caught in camera those have superpowers is real or not.

Tiktik Sound

The tiktik sound of "tik, tik, tik, tik, tik," you can hear these sounds during on the night especially in the provinces in the Philippines. This type of aswang was called tiktik due to the sounds tik tik of this type of mythical's creature.

This type of mythical creature can jump approximately 30 feet high and approximately 100 meters in range. This type of mythical creature can run fast and act fast than to the other mythical animal but could not fly. The intelligence of this mythical creature is same in humans that can think, can feel, can smell, can hear, can do styles, and can do techniques if how to get the fetus in the womb of the mother.

Food of Tiktik

Here is now the best food of tiktikAccording to the belief of the Filipino people that this type of creature can hear double to the hearing of ordinary man, can see in the dark like daylight. Can smell the fetus in the womb; for them the fetus is a nutritious food as excellent food.

The manner of getting of fetus from the womb is by tongue; the tongue that can penetrate the vagina of woman through the hole. The tongue is serves as their mouth direct to their stomach. If you heard the sounds of chicken’s chick especially in the middle on the night but the sounds is very loud than ordinary chick, might that sound was came from tiktik and very possible that mythical creature is near with you. Go inside and lock your house. That sound means the tiktik is very aggressive that time.
Power of Tiktik
All mythical creatures have powers and below is the power of tiktikThe people in the Philippines can hear this sound at night especially in the provinces where the illumination of light is poor. The place where rampant this type of aswang, might to the place where the dark is dominating the light. The favorite place of aswang is the place where the light is poor. 

The most powerful aswang is the wakwak — this type of aswang could fly and can visit even the smallest island and the second powerful is the tiktik due to the fastness in movement and ability to jump and due to the special tongue serves as their mouth.
This article is all about Tiktik.

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