Raid Meaning

Raid Meaning

Raid means a surprise operation conducted by authority to surprise the people who doing criminal activities.

Act which to caught the people in the act are called raid conducted by law enforcement body and other agencies to do so. An act to surprise the person, people to caught them in act. Before the agencies conduct raid in a particular building, places and the likes, the surveillance is needed to determine if there are illegal activities in the area.
raid meaning
They need intelligence surveillance in this case for them to get search warrant in court and the team needed sufficient evidence to convince the court beyond the reason why they will conduct raid in the place. If the court convinced beyond to the reasonable doubt, the court will issue search warrant to execute the plan of law enforcers to conduct raid.

Before the execution of the raid, the plan is needed whether what to do in the area, the possible that may occur in the area. If there is chance that the subject can escape, examine the area if there is possible exit if in case they will raid.

The Miranda doctrine is applicable in this type of search due to the Miranda doctrine is a right of allegedly criminal to know as human. The example of Miranda doctrine was: the right to remain silent and more. The law enforcers need to secure their part especially in obtaining the search warrant for them to not charge of illegal entry, violation of domicile maybe, and the likes cases if they did not secure themselves in obtaining of search warrant during their raid session.

What is Raid 

What is raid? If they arrested someone as their subject of the raid, they might reliable of illegal arrest. The manner of execution of raid is according to the legality of law of the country for them not violated the human rights. If possible should there is media for them to cover the actual execution of raid whether if there is police brutality occurred.

This means is beneficial also in the part of authority to show their loyalty in execution of law without single breaching of it.

Reason of Raid 

All has reason and the reason of raid was one of it. There are some reasons below.
  • To caught in the act the people who doing criminal activities. 
  • To charge the subject according to the law. 
  • To execute the law of the nations.
The primary intention of the raid is to catch the violator of the acts which already caught during the conducting of intelligence surveillance.
If the law was breach by someone, the offended party needs justice. If someone violated the law is fair to do is to charge the violator according to their violation and the people who caught doing criminal activities will penalize according to the existing law.

If the execution of law in the country is poor, it will reflect to the situation of the current society that exists in the current time. If the execution of anti dangerous drugs act is very lenient, the rampant of drugs in the country is very high as our expected that might happen.
The dangerous drugs like crystal meth, marijuana and more will double for sure. The raid is very important in execution of law.

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