Filipino Mythical Creatures

Filipino Mythical Creatures

There are many Filipino mythical creatures and almost of them have possibilities those existed due to sound especially the Manananggal and Tiktik.

Here are the lists of all Filipino mythical creatures
Since the vampire was so popular; escalated by movies throughout the world and influence by the movies and there are available videos on YouTube that the mythical creature vampire was existed according to them.
Filipino mythical creatures

Not only had the other countries believed this type of mythical creature but the Filipinos as well. (Believed as mythical creature not the real one.

There was a direct translation about the werewolf and the Filipino people called it as the taong lobo. 
Filipino mythical creatures

There are many available Television programs dedicated about the taong lobo and vampire,
  • Mananaggal
The type of mythical creatures those their travels were free due to they used their wings to travel within the part of the earth. 
Filipino mythical creatures

The Visayan people called it as wakwak from his sound "wak wak wak wak" like gecko; the gecko was called as Tuko in the Philippines due to the sound that created by this animal was "tuko tuko" (sound from the gecko’s animal)
  • Tiktik
Not tiktik as a spy but Tiktik as a mythical creature as part of Filipino mythical creatures; the fastest mythical creature that eat fetus.  
Filipino mythical creatures

All the above mentioned Filipino mythical creatures those could see in the dark.
  • Mermaid known as in the Philippines as Sirena
The most controversial mythical creature like manananggal and tiktik in the Philippines, there were many claimed those people have seen the mermaid or known as Sirena in the Philippines; this belief was started below during the time of Columbus; even Columbus claimed that he have seen this mythical creature during his voyage on the ocean.
Filipino mythical creatures

The Filipino people believed this type of mythical creature; mythical creature itself not in the real mermaid or Sirena.
The smallest mythical creature at all; the Duende, the approximate height of Duende: 1 inch or below. People believed that this type of mythical creature was live on the beneath on the land, on the tress and the likes. 
Filipino mythical creatures

They have spell to defeat their enemies and if you destroyed their homes, the punishment was the restoration of their house by you as the responsible of the damage of their property.
The biggest mythical creature in the Philippines at all was the kapre, some said that the kapre is a giant mythical creature that live on the forest. 
Filipino mythical creatures

The kapre is not a demon but totally a mythical creature, visayan people in the Philippines called it as agta, some said the the agta and kapre is one but some said that the kapre and agta was not the same.
  • The Tikbalang mythical creature
Half horse half human, there were many claimed that this mythical creature was existed due to sightings by some Filipino people. 
Filipino mythical creatures

In terms of fastness, this type of mythical creature was fast like a horse and with brain, intelligent like a man, strong and tall. Those are the common Filipino mythical creatures.

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