Tips & Tricks Whether How to Lie

How to Lie

Even the child knows how to lie; some said the child does not lie but the fact is some children are liars. No person taught the child to lie but just developed when they old, even there was no tutorials about how to lie still the person knows how to lie.

That was mystery in the humans that can learn even there was no tutorial. Like in the abnormal; no one taught them how to sex but you will surprise that the abnormal has idea whether how to sex. There was incident that the abnormal person caught in the act masturbating in the squash’s plantation. 

Where those abnormal people learn how to masturbate? Might from experiment? What does it mean in this case? Means as human we can learn through observation or just by learn from ourselves.

Here are now the very common steps whether how to deceive the people by words.

  • When someone asked; don’t answer the real information that needed by person who asks you.

This was the common lied used by people; when they asked; they did not answer the real answer but intentionally answered the incorrect information to mislead the people who asked, sometimes they just answered "I don’t know!" however the brilliant people knows whether if the person is lying or not.

  • When you asked by woman or man if you had boy friend/ girl friend deny it.
The denying of possession is lies and in order for you to have another girl friend/ boy friend deny is the best solution for this.

How to Lie with your Girlfriend

Tips and tricks whether howto lie with your girl friend; trick her through court and say I love you. Just trick the woman through court even you do not love her. The common lies made by men were this technique and common technique used by women was the above mentioned trick.

How to Lie in Police Officer

When you have stolen someone property deny it and if the police officer interrogates you just calm and that calmness might deceived them. That calmness was a lie and that’s the one step how to lie in Police Officer.

How to Lie with your Parents

There are many ways whether how to lie with your parents and one lie if you have already girlfriend / boyfriend. Parents sometimes prohibited their children to engage in the relationship but sometimes there was a time that you like someone in the school or in the elsewhere. When you court the woman or if man’s court you, don’t tell to your parents about it just keep it secret and if they asked about it just deny it and seek any ways to hide your secret .

Remember this article is just for familiarization about how to lie; we do not encourage anyone to practice this in the reality. The lying is a bad practice and if the lying is your habit; there is time yet to change it. That negative trait might good if you used it for the benefits of humanity.

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