High Bounce Rate is not Bad

High Bounce Rate is bad     

High bounce rate is bad if the user experience is poor and the reason of the high bounce rate of your site. The bounce rate itself is not bad if the user experience is very good, good and if excellent.

The user experience and the bounce rate has vital role in terms of search engine optimization. The common reason of high bounce rate is poor user experience and if poor user experience, it is worth for penalization and the penalty is demotion of ranking of your site.

Sometimes you will notice your visitors are huge from different places of the world but if the penalty was imposed; you can notice that your visitors decreased but there are many causes why the visitors decreased, might was affected by search algorithm or no people search with your keyword on your web pages.

How the bounce rates of your site become bad? It became bad if the user experience is poor. What if the users in the previous days disliked your web page or the content of your web page? If disliked, might the user will scroll down and search answer to the rest other than yours?

But what if in this day your web pages were like by the others but in the previous days were disliked by others. So can you rate that the web page has poor content? That site has no quality content? If dislike by others but there was a remedy those likes by some, so, even though in the previous days was got a high bounce rate but there is remedy in this days and if the bounce rate is high and constant, with poor user experience; one thing is for sure; you will receive massage from Google on your Google webmaster tool that your site has thin content and if thin content is worth for penalization or ban forever.

It is justice that your site is worth for penalization? Yes and you should accept it but there is hope if your site still on the air due to you can change the content unless was banned forever.

So, how the search engines especially the Google rates the site and use the bounce rate? They try to know if the user experience is poor but if not then you are not worth for penalization but do not thinks that you can receive a reward.

If the user experience is good might the bounce rate is low and if not might the bounce is high but that is only possibility. The bases are the user experience in this case. Don’t panic if you got the record on your Google Analytics which more than 90 but try to observe if the bounce rate decrease in the next day; just panic if constant and if not, just relax and focus where you should focus.

If constant, you need to edit the whole contents of your site; try to review if there were error in terms of grammar, incorrect composition; the idea is scattered or pointless. Try to know why the users close your site immediately after they entered on your web page. Is it clear?

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