Youth Criminal – Juvenile Delinquent Definition

Juvenile Delinquent Definition

Here is the juvenile delinquent definition is a criminality made by young people either from strong influence of surroundings, from clear free well due to their own motivation, lack of necessities in life, to sustain the daily needs of might for the parents, brothers, sisters, own self and force by other people with intimidation and due to fear in intimidation.

juvenile delinquent definition

Young Criminality was made by young people though force: not all acts which committed by the young people are from their own clear decision but from force by intimidation. All of us have tendency to do something not right if there is intimidation even by single intimidation if the life of our love ones is at stake, much more the young people who force to do so for the exchange of violent acts that might receive by them if they refuse to do so.

juvenile delinquent definition

The juvenile delinquency was made by youth with clear decision; when we say juvenile; are those youth which don’t have sufficient discernment to determine the deference between right and wrong but in their decision is very clear in their mind without realizing the possible consequences of the acts.

juvenile delinquent definition

The laws of each nation have their own definitions about age limit about criminal liability to punish young offenders of the law. Juvenile delinquency can be mitigate if the families of the child have awareness whether how the proper upbringing of the child. All behavior of the child was shaped by parents if the parents have criminal instinct and that instinct may pass to the offspring and that may the result of juvenile delinquency.

juvenile delinquent definition

Some crime scene might made by juvenile delinquency; there were many recorded in every nations that some of the crimes was committed by young offenders.  Some young committed thief or simple thief due to for personal or for syndicate who operate in the particular area and their modus operandi are makes the children as beggars in the street for money. Some of them are selling drugs from groups.

The origin of the juvenile delinquency was from syndicate if operated by syndicated groups; if the child has criminal instinct the origin of that instinct was from the parents; if not from the current parents might from above generation other than from current parents.

juvenile delinquent definition

Juvenile delinquency might from due to lack of financial of the family. Some parents due to lack of financial assistance; commanded their child to steal for them to have food; or for the vice of the parents.

The juvenile delinquency may call it as innocent crime due to some young offenders doesn’t have enough discernment whether their acts is valid in the laws, in God or their acts is very immoral.
Juvenile delinquency is a problem of all nations; there are no nations those without records about juvenile delinquency in their nations. 

The juvenile delinquency can prevent if the start of prevention will start from home, in house; home is not a house, if the parents have awareness about the proper upbringing and without criminal instinct that shows to their child the acts which are something not right, then, that is the start of crime prevention about juvenile delinquency.

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency

Here are some possible causes of juvenile delinquency.  Just possibilities about the reason behind of juvenile delinquency.
  • Broken Family
  • Mental Disorder
  • Improper upbringing of the child
  • Through intimidation
  • By retaliation
  • Fear
  • Self Defense
  • Ignorance
  • Lack of Financial
  • For personal needs
  • Inadequacy in life
Broken Family — Seems simple but has possible that the broken family might one of the cause of youth criminality. Some children might had emotion disorder cause by always depress and lack of attention and those cases might triggered the children to take the dangerous drugs to forget their depression.

Mental Disorder — the main reason of mental disorder of some common people was caused by dangerous drugs. Common to the crimes were committed by criminals those have mental disorder and this type the manner of thinking has a great role in terms of criminality. Neurotic minor might kill other minor triggered by nervousness in the part of juvenile delinquency.

Improper Upbringing of the Child — In the above we discussed it already about the improper upbringing of the child.

Through Intimidation — not all crimes are from clear mind of the minors but from intimidation either from the co-minors or from the other people who has power to maneuver the minors. All of us can manipulate by intimidation if the life of love ones is at stake.

By Retaliation — As human we have tendency to retaliate as part of our system. In case someone who always attacking as we will retaliate.

Fear — due to fear the minor can commit crime as triggered by fear.

Self Defense — self defense in law is legal and the minors can do self defense if needed if the minor has sufficient discernment to do a self defense if the life is at stake.

Ignorance — the ignorance can be considered as excusable in the sight of God but in the law is not.

Lack of Financial  — this type of cause might preformed by adult as well due to lack of financial; they commit simple thief, qualified thief and more.

For personal needs  — same also to the lack of financial can commit by adult due to for personal needs.

Inadequacy in life  — the people who are suffering in poor living are prone from crimes against property and crimes against person to sustain the daily needs.

Those are the possible causes of juvenile delinquency.

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