What Does Homicide Mean? - Homicide Meaning

What Does Homicide Mean

What does homicide mean? in the crimes against person, was intentional crime? Homicide means is a killing of person even intentional and none – intentional. In robbery with homicide was the consequence of killing of person during the course of robbery.  

what does homicide mean

There was also possible homicide acts in rape; defined as crimes against person wherein the consequence of rape was the death of the victim

what does homicide mean

There was also possible that the allegedly criminal of the incidents; his primary intention is to kill the victim but due to his lust, for example the victim woman was very pretty and after the killing he rape the pretty woman and might the case of rape of homicide may not applicable in this incident.

what does homicide mean

Every countries have their own definitions of homicide, common that if the victim fought with allegedly criminal was fallen into homicide; if the acts has elements of treachery may fall into murder

what does homicide mean

The homicide’s crime might fall into homicide if the killing or the manner of act was qualified with the elements of murder if the killing was qualifying the elements of murder then the interpretation base with the elements of criminal law should murder.

what does homicide mean

There was also called quasi – offense in homicide wherein the intentional was not totally evil but just consequence of the accident, especially if the cause of crime was from road traffic. There were incidents those points the crimes were fall into homicide. The homicide with intention to kill may not defined as quasi – offense due to the act was totally from evil and might have plan to eliminate the person.

what does homicide mean

You might confused about intentional homicide and not intentional homicide; not all intentional crime will fall into murder due to there are some cases that the intentional crime might just fall into homicide. Even in the murder case if the evidence is weak, the courts upon their description may down it into simple homicide.

Homicide Meaning

Homicide meaning is the killing of person, people with or without intention to do so. The homicide might also applicable even the victim was the minor and might there were aggravating circumstances like in adult’s victim.

what does homicide mean

Common to the people who have no background in the law, those no idea about the classification about homicide even the difference of homicide to the murder, murder to homicide.

what does homicide mean

The suffix cide to the word homicide was implies to the killings of person, animals and other living organisms. The word cide as implies to killings is a general word which implies to the whole living organisms. There was no killing to the object those have no life.

what does homicide mean

The word killing was only fit to the organisms those have life like pesticide; the pesticide was implies to the pest — design to kill the pest. The homicide case is applicable also to the minors but the law has consideration if the culprit was the minor and might consume if the minor who committed the crime in the future if reach to the right age. All countries have their own processing about charging of an offense to the minor or to the juvenile delinquency — youth that had troubled with the law.

When we say homicide meaning also implies if what does homicide mean these two phrase are synonyms.

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