Here is the Mercy Killing Definition

Mercy Killing

The mercy killing is legal? There were instances those physicians killed the patients due to mercy. Those killings resulted felony as violation and was defined as crimes against person which other than murder and homicide but euthanasia or known as the mercy killing. Mercy killing might be legal if undergone due process of law.

For example if the person who suffering from the serious disease and just sustained by instruments to live and without those instruments the patient shall die and the family of that patient was so tired in his dilemma.

The family of the patient decided to stop that process; they signed the waiver that they permitted the hospital to stop that process; the family got the waiver from authorities and that step was legal and the hospital stop the instrument that sustains the patient to live.
mercy killing definition

In that case the family of the patient shall suffer of mercy killing which is crimes against person? The answer in that instance might be legal if there was law permits to do so.  Might there was existing laws which states about that exception but might there was country that permits if was decided by the family of the patient but with due process of law.

Mercy Killing Definition

The mercy killing definition is a killing wherein the killer has authority to do so with equip of waiver from the family of the patient which authorized to stop the instrument.
Define as the killing of other people which has no right to do so, therefore a felony and the cause of the killing was the emotion of mercy.

Common that the person who convicted with such law were the physicians, nurses and other people who authorized to cure the illness of people.

We Have the Right to Kill the other Person

There were no laws permitted someone if we have the right to kill the other person unless there were laws those govern the killing of other people if the person violated the specific law that has death penalty.
The laws those have death punishment were passed according to the nations’ laws processes of creation; those have these types of punishments but might there were also laws in those countries if someone suffering from serious illness if permitted by family to stop the instrument shall prevail.
Check your country if there was law that has exception that govern the mercy killing law especially the penal code of your country or known as the criminal law.
Might there was mercy killing law in your country that prohibited the mercy killing with exception and the mercy killing law might on your criminal code.
If someone violated the mercy killing law; that violation called as felony not a crime for technical terminology of law.

Killing By Using of Poison

The killing by using of poison are sometimes used especially in terms of mercy killing, physicians used poison to kill to end the suffering of patient from serious disease and the likes. Some are just stops the instrument to sustain the life of patient without the instrument the patient shall die.

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