What Does Murder Mean

Murder Definition

The Murder Definition is the killing of person which qualifies with the elements of murder that defined in criminal law (code). Not all killings are murder and not all killings are homicide.

murder definition

But base in the qualifying circumstances that qualifies murder or homicide. Layman just define the killings as a simple killings but the law has definition about killings either homicide, murder, infanticide, parricide and more which there was involvement of killings.

murder definition

One circumstance of killings which can be consider as murder if there was a present of treachery wherein the victim was totally unarmored. In this circumstance the shooter if might use gun or other devices that can eliminate the life of the person and might shoot from the back of the victim.

murder definition

There are many circumstances those qualifies the acts of killings into murder. The ability of identification of murder from homicide is very important especially for the police officers as they are the primary who received the complaints from the citizen that needs of charging of offense or just a simple crime from the complainants.

What Does Murder Mean

There are more correct information if what does murder mean; the murder is a killing of person that punishable by the criminal code, without criminal code, the word murder may not exist due to the word murder was existed through criminal code

murder definition

The term in the killing of the person is depends to the existing laws that punish to the people who made the killing of the person. If there is no criminal code, the term might not murder but the punishment might same to the criminal code but the term might a simple killing with barbaric punishment especially on the ancient times wherein more harsh punishment would charged to the violator of law and serves as the exemplary to the people those who have plan to commit something not right in the society.

murder definition

But our laws now was very detailed especially in classifying of killings with corresponding punishment according to the gravity of the offense made by allegedly criminal.
The laws now especially the criminal code has explanation about parricide, infanticide, murder, homicide to charge the person according to the gravity of the offense as justice for the offended party.
murder definition

The murder crime has evident premeditation wherein the responsible of the crime plan the acts, used vehicle to kill the other people or person, which can be considered as aggravating circumstances. There are many instances those the murder cases were down into homicide due to lack of evidence and the like situation.

murder definition

Those instances were decided by the judge, jury or to the person in authority that the law gave them the power to decide in the case either to down or to change other than the present case that charged by the law enforcement agency as their primary duty to do so.

Do not assume that the homicide especially in the rape case that the act has no plan nor intention to do so but base in the qualifying circumstances of the acts of the allegedly criminal either homicide or murder, infanticide or parricide. Those mentioned have their own qualifying circumstances for us not mislead in charging of an offense to the suspected criminal.

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