Question: Is there anything too hard for God?

Is there anything too Hard for God

Is there anything too hard for God? There is nothing too hard for God; the most powerful being was Him, He created the heavens and the earth. He can see whether what inside of our heart. He can read the run of our minds; He formed us from the womb of our mother; used our parents for us to exist and He was not the reason why our world now has evil.
is there anything too hard for god

The God Almighty created the heavens and the earth and has power to end the existence of all His creation.

There was part on the bible that Christ mentioned that "it was easy for God to enter the whole Camel on the hole of needle compare to the rich people to enter in the heaven." In our sense; it is impossible to enter the whole camel especially on the hole of needle. To put the Camel on a small hole is very difficult for us to enter but in God even to the small hole, He can enter it in a simple means.

The power of Christ is the power of God; Christ has the power to back the people from the dead into the life. God has power to back us from the skeleton into a living man with flesh and blood in few seconds. Can burn the structures like what happened in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Since the God is the most powerful being; there is one thing that He has no capacity to do so and that was the lie (Titus chapter one verse two.) God never lies especially to His promise. There was no reason that God will lie in us. Satan have many reasons that he lied even he has no weakness like man that has weakness in terms of flesh.

If you doubting that He can do it due to He is the most powerful, for whom? For what and what is the reason to lie in us?  All has reasons and even Satan has reason why he deceived the woman. We have reasons why we lied and God if for you can lie; for what?
God has no flesh and bone, no weakness and the most brilliant that exist from the eternity unto eternity from none – beginning into none – end. The most powerful being that never bend by no one His well. His well shall stand whosoever interferes, His calculation is the most accurate and weapon against to the adversary.

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