Corpus Delicti Evidence

Corpus Delicti Evidence

The corpus delicti evidence is important factor to convict the malefactor of the case, without evidence is very impossible for us to pinpoint someone and the law was favored the suspect than the complainant. If the court upon discretion will dismiss the case if without legal bases, the defendant’s party will demand into motion to quash or demurer of evidence.

Here Are the Possible Evidences in Corpus Delicti:

If the crime was murder; crimes against person that there were dead bodies in the crime scene, those dead bodies are the evidences that there is corpus delicti. 
corpus delicti evidence

If the victims’ alive; if there were presents of shells of firearms, if the commission of the crimes wherein the firearms were involved, those shells are the evidences that there was a corpus delicti that there were fighting happened in that area, if there was blood that found in the crime scene, the first conclusion was there was a wounded person or people during the battle and that blood that found on the crime scene is the evidence that there was wounded in the battle.

corpus delicti evidence

If the crime was homicide in road accidents; the main evidence that there was crime happened was the dead body of the victim if the victim was died and injury if the victim still alive after the commission of the crime on the road ways. The witnesses or just witness is the evidence that there was accident happened on that road. That evidence was the corpus delicti evidence.
corpus delicti evidence

In terms of robbery with homicide or robbery with rape, the building that was the subjected of robbery incidents especially if there was captured of close circuit television or known as the cctv that there was crime committed in that building was the corpus delicti evidence that prove that there was crime committed as robbery as crimes against property

If there was complemented of rape or complemented with homicide, the presence of the dead body was the corpus delicti evidence that there was crime of robbery with homicide and if there were women or just woman claimed that she was raped, the medical result is very important as corpus delicti evidence that there was robbery with rape happened in that building.
corpus delicti evidence

The corpus delicti evidence in infanticide; there should dead body of infant in the crime scene, recovered from the place where the infant might thrown to avoid detection on the allegedly criminal’s part.

Coprus delicti evidence in frustrated murder; since the criminal law of every country has its own interpretation about their criminal law due to they have own government’s body that interprets the law of the nation, in some other countries called it as the Supreme Court. Their supreme court is the responsible of interpreting the law.

The corpus delicti evidence in frustrated murder is very crucial in attestation whether that there was murder happened but the criminals was frustrated to the outcome of their acts.
The corpus delicti evidence in rape case which mentioned under the crimes against person is important to prove that there was crime committed like rape. 
corpus delicti evidence

The pinpointing of criminal in rape case is very challenging if the victim was not virgin, the medical examination result is very useful if the victim was virgin before the commission of the rape. If not virgin, the only possible evidences were the emotion or the syndrome that was produced in the part of the victim or the hair that recovered from the genital of the victim’s body. 

This applicable whether the victim was died but the emotion that produced by the rape incident is not possible but the hair and medical examination if the victim was virgin.
Sometimes the case in rape was very difficult in the part of the defendant if the complainant was just acting brilliantly just to raze the other people; in short the rape case was just fabricated.

Corpus delicti evidence in prohibited drugs: in convicting the person that selling drugs, the evidence is essential as a means to convict the perpetrator. In this case, the in flgrante delicto is possible especially if the subject was on the list and the surprise or known as raid is very helpful with this operation. The corpus delicti evidence in this case, like other should be prove that the person was really selling the dangerous drugs which prohibited by law to do so.
Corpus delicti evidence in falsification of public and private documents: there should be palpable mistakes on the part of the creator of the falsification of either private or public documents.
Corpus delicti evidence in alarm and scandal: there should witness or witnesses if possible that there was alarm and scandal happened. Those witnesses or witness can be considered as the corpus delicti evidence in alarm and scandal, the video camera, image and video if available that the crime happened.

There are many corpus delicti evidences those proves those there were crimes happened in the places.

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