Number one Killer of the Teenagers

What is the Number Killer of Teenagers

What is the number one killer of teenagers? There are many ways or causes of the death of people. The one cause of death was natural death, accidental death, suicide and was murdered

what is the number one killer of teenagers

No one can say "Hey this is the number one killer of teenagers." If that the number one killer of teenagers, how about the old? There was number one killer of old people? If the traffic accidents, but no one can ascertain whether what is the number one due to some countries the causes of death of teenagers were not from the accidents but suicide. For example, the case of suicide in Switzerland was higher than in United States. When we say the number one, we should ascertain first whether what type of causes of death.

what is the number one killer of teenagers

Example again, the volume of road traffic accidents in India was higher than in Singapore, how could you say that the number one killer of the youth was the traffic accident? we can't ascertain whether what is the number one causes of death of the youth but we can just ascertain whether what are those contributors of the causes of death of the youth.
what is the number one killer of teenagers

If the person was not die through suicide, accident, murdered but natural death. The natural death means was the person was died through disease and due to oldness. Almost people during the time of Moses in the Bible were died cause by natural death.
what is the number one killer of teenagers

Before we talk to the number one killer of teenagers let us talk first the kinds of death as mentioned above. Accidental death means the person was died caused by accident either on road traffic, on house and other places where the accidents might exist.
what is the number one killer of teenagers

Murdered death – murder death means there was an intentional killing during the commission of the crime that qualifies to the murder case as defined as crimes against person.
what is the number one killer of teenagers

The common cause of the suicide either from the mental disorder or from the problem; the people those commit suicide have solutions not in their problems and in that case they commit suicide to end their problems. They seek any means to end it but the opportunity was not in their side to solve it and the last resort, the last solutions is to end their burden and the suicide thinking was exist in their mind and that thinking was the start of the suicide.
There are also possibilities whether what is the number one killer of teenagers especially in this age. Here are the possibilities.
  • Murder
  • Human trafficking
  • Caused by drugs
  • Caused by friends
  • Accidents
  • Desease
The one possible cause was the murder; as human we have enemies and those enemies are the responsible of killing to the victim, might from revenge by groups. There are many types of groups like fraternity, sorority and more. Sometimes the cause of death of teenagers was from the war of the groups as mentioned above.

Those groups are the responsible of the trouble. If you want to keep from danger with this type of groups, don’t permit your daughter or Son to get involve with sorority, fraternity and same manners.
  • Cause by Human Trafficking
The most dangerous groups at all were the syndicates. They can kill if they have enemies.
Common that operates that deals about human trafficking was the syndicated groups. They kidnapped the woman and sell to the other countries by force through intimidation.

Common that they abduct pretties women for prostitution and common that they used in pornography on the internet for business. Not all prostitute was from their own decision but from the strong stimulus on the environment that their life was at stake and that was the cause of human trafficking wherein the common victims was the minors and teenagers.

what is the number one killer of teenagers
  • Caused by drugs
The youth should protected due to the youth was the next generation to become part of the government that will makes the nation’s progress, if the youth was corrupted by drugs, their future was destroyed for sure.The one that can be considered as the killer of teenagers, not as direct killers but slowly killings motu proprio and that was the start of addiction and that addiction was the start of destruction.

what is the number one killer of teenagers

Even the youth now were selling drugs, pushing drugs, using, cultivating or planting the drugs which prohibited by law to cultivate and use.  Some syndicates used minors to sell their products in the market. They destroying the life of minors; some parents they used their children to steal the property of other people and they know that the minors are protected by law and they used the law as advantage in their side to do criminality in the society.

what is the number one killer of teenagers

There are many types of drugs such as heroin, crystal meth, marijuana, cocaine and new generation drugs. The person that addict of dangerous drugs might always absent on the works; instead of works but drugs.

The drug was the first goal than in work, that case will makes the addicts hungry and that hungriness will result into crime.
  • Caused by friends
Sometimes the contributor of the death of your son and daughter was cause by their friends. Bad friends will influence your good daughter or son, if their friends always using bad words and the time will come that your son or daughter will walk in their path and learn their bad habits. 
what is the number one killer of teenagers

Even to the commission of the crime especially robbery, rape and the likes, you need to monitor your son or daughter if they have friends and check their background whether what kind of man or woman them.
what is the number one killer of teenagers

If they are involved in the criminality, if they will fight to the law enforcers especially if their commission of the crime was caught in the act, instead they will surrender but they will fight.
what is the number one killer of teenagers
  • Accidents
Even your son or daughter did not engaged with bad friends, even their friends were not bad but in accidents no one can escape.

Some accidents had no life involved but some there were and the victims of some accidents were the youth.
  • Disease
The foods are the responsible of almost diseases, you should eat the nutritious foods and the most nutritious foods are those foods which not cooked. Eating vegetables are very common tactics for anti malnutrition.

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