Deep Explanation About Criminal Complaint Definition

Criminal Complaint Definition

Criminal complaint definition – is a complaint made by offended parties and authority’s bodies made by laws if either the criminal codes, special laws was violated. Even the criminal code defined felony and not a crime still the correct term if someone filed a complaint against John Doe still criminal complaint even whatever law was violated, awkward to say "felony complaint" if the criminal code was violated

There are steps that need to follow in filing a case before the release of the search warrant/ warrant of arrest to put in hold the allegedly person that hiding something which against the law and arrest the allegedly who violated the law — criminal and special law.
When we say criminal complaint it is refer to the violation of criminal law and special law. There was called ethics complaint if someone acted opposite to the moral ethics of the administration.

Criminal complaint of victim – less crime

Not all crimes have victims and the complainant of victim less crime might the law enforcer that execute the law in accordance with implementing rules and regulation before the official release of the national law.

Criminal complain of special law

There are many types of special law and if the special law has no victim the complainant might the law enforcer as mentioned above. However; not all laws have victims less crimes but some laws had.
For example: if the wife filed a case against to the husband; in that case the wife was the complainant even the law that protects to the woman was special law. 

For example: the special law in the Philippines was the Republic Act 9262; wherein this law protects the wife and the children of the family and even the ordinary woman still covered by the Republic Act 9262.

The law enforcer complainant might enter if there was no offended party but simply violated the law that currently governs to prohibit the acts or prohibits the particular act. For example:  there was law prohibits the selling of marijuana; selling of crystal meth, selling of heroin, selling of cocaine, selling of caffeine. If those prohibitions by law was violated by John Doe, even there was no victim that might complain about their acts; the law enforcer motu propio shall act base in their discretion whether what section of the law; article that violated by John Doe.

They are the starter of the complaint and the responsible of gathering of evidence even the evidence is circumstantial, associative, prima facie, fingerprint and more.
In the above definition of criminal complaint there was "authorize body made by" are refer to the law enforcer and other that has the right to file a criminal complaint other than aggravated party’s citizen.
criminal compliant definition

Here are some crimes those needs of offended party’s complaint.

These crimes if there were no complainants about these types of criminality, the law enforcer may not forward to the persecution/ court process for justice. Remember even there were crimes if there were no complainants for justice, the law enforcer will not file the case or forward to the creator of justice.

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